Under the Rainbow - Logs community - September 24th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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September 24th, 2008

[Sep. 24th, 2008|12:35 pm]

who. Have you heard of my new band, "Jamie and the Dupes?" [Closed narrative]
what. Jamie talks to himself.
when. Today
where. X-Factor offices

I'm so tired of repeating myself, beating myself up. Gonna take a trip and multiply. Please go under with a smile. )
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[Sep. 24th, 2008|02:04 pm]
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Who: Dee and Vivian
What: Oh god.. weird fucked up shit, for real. I don't even know. Playing Mommy and daddy. Maybe bad bad stuff
When: The other day
Where: Wherever the hell Vivian lives
Warnings: Many.. possibly violence and sex and yeah.. just bad bad stuff

Dee didn't really know why she was going over to this guy's house except that they had an amusing conversation. And he said that she was pretty. That was enough for her. Besides, she needed someone to take care of her since her stupid brother wasn't here and neither was any of his crackheaded friends.

After she'd finally found his place, she knocked on the door carefully, glancing around just in case. One of the best things she was good at was running from the cops. They were always on her about stuff.
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[Sep. 24th, 2008|05:17 pm]
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Who: Zatanna, Stephen and Arabella
What: OMG we have a daughter??
When: The other day
Where: Their place

Arabella was trapped all inside this stupid thing, some kind of metaphysical booby trap for unwanted visitors. And her parents didn't recognize her and she'd gone back in time. Fantastic. She waved her hand, and the cage vanished, since she could have done that all along. She just didn't want to get in trouble.

Then she waited for her parents to get home and try and figure this whole thing out. This was going to be... fun at the very least.
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[Sep. 24th, 2008|09:18 pm]
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Who: Soren and Henn
Where: Outside, over there ~>
When: Soon-now-later
Why: Halloween Costume Shopping! Yaaaaay!
Warnings: Doubtful

"Yo! Anybody home?" That would be Henn, having emerged from the Backstage and into the kitchen of the house on Tortuga, as she so often did.

"I've got a project for whoever calls first dibs!"
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