Under the Rainbow - Logs community - July 10th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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July 10th, 2008

[Jul. 10th, 2008|02:46 pm]
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Who: Dalek and TARDIS
What: Lunch and talking between friends
Where: Some place on some street, in some city, called Handwavey's Bar and Grill
When: Around 1-ish today
Ratings/Warnings: NC-17 for sexual situations. FTB

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[Jul. 10th, 2008|03:19 pm]


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Who: Sonya Blade and Rachel Morgan
What: lunch break after interview
Where: some restaurant near Base
When: 12PM
Warnings: highly unlikely

The place wasn't fancy by anyones standards, a few tables and counter space for those wanting to eat in a hurry, but it was cheap and the food good. Judging by the customers in army issued clothing, it was certainnly preferable to the 'mess' served in the cafeteria.

Sonya sat by herself at a small two-person table, dressed in full BDU dress, her hair pinned up at the base of her neck, first impressions and all that.  Part of her couldn't really believe she'd help a civilian get a position into the army: she usually frowned on them trying to get in without proper training. On the other hand, from what she'd heard, the young woman already had experience in law enforcement and was a magic user besides-so even she could make exceptions in this case.

She was hungry for some odd reason, and a little tired, but she just got a soda from the restaurant's cooler, waiting until Rachel arrived from the interview before getting something to eat.
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[Jul. 10th, 2008|11:41 pm]
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Who: Eric and Navi
What: Ice cream after dark!
When: Tonight
Where: New York

There's nothing to do here, some just whine and complain, in bed at the hospital. )
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