Under the Rainbow - Logs community - June 15th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - Logs community

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June 15th, 2008

[Jun. 15th, 2008|07:13 pm]
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Who: Greg House and Remy Hadley
Where: House's bachelor pad of DOOM on the beach
When: Last night
Why: Remy is having marital problems and the love doctor is in.
Rating: R for language probably. No hanky panky.

There was nothing like a pitcher of blended daquiri mix and lot of vodka to make dealing with heat so much easier on the California coast. He'd always known buying beach front property for dirt cheap would pay off in the long run and here he was escaping the shitstorm of New York. Ghosts running around attacking and making more? Yeah, screw that. There wasn't anyone here he gave a crap about. Except Wilson. But that was enough story entirely.

House lounged on a beach chair on the deck of his house, a jumbo drink in hand and boardshorts and a t-shirt on, his cane propped against the side table. He'd already mixed up the promised Mojito for Thirteen for when she arrived, and he really wondered what was so screwed up that she was willing to hang out with him, drinking herself into oblivion on the beach. He couldn't wait to hear this.
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