Under the Rainbow - Logs community - June 16th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 16th, 2008

[Jun. 16th, 2008|07:20 pm]
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Who: Erik and Joanne
What: Being mushy because she's alive
When: Last night sometime
Where: His house
Warnings: Mushyness I think that's about it.

It was a bit surreal being alive again, for the third or fourth time, she'd really lost track. But the other times she hadn't rushed out to meet someone. The other times, she'd come back immediately and hadn't really left anyone behind. But there Joanne was, rushing down the stairs of the large house that Erik had, hoping that he would be there as soon as possible.

She didn't know where he was, or how long it was going to take him to get there, but she was nervous. Nervous because they'd said a lot of things to each other as she was dying, and they both weren't normally like this. But all she could think about was coming back to him.
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[Jun. 16th, 2008|07:24 pm]
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Who: Tony and Remy
Where: Riding in his car
When: Late last night
Why: He's screwing up their marriage and they need to talk
Rating: R for language because they'll end up yelling at some point

He could be a man about this.  He could tell her that, yes, he was in love with Pepper, but he didn't love her any less.  Tony knew he felt like this for both of them and had known it for a little while now, but he had buried it down as deep as he could.  It was easy to ignore that when he didn't see Pepper aside from her speaking to the other version of himself.  But that night, seeing her dying and the face she was so in love with the other had been it.  It'd broken him, made him angry and he'd finally admitted every bit of it to himself and to her.

But in turn, he was ruining the best thing that'd ever happened to him.  And it was slowly killing him inside that he was destroying the one person he'd promised he wouldn't, despite that he'd told her up front how he was and that old habits died hard with him.  He pulled into the parking lot of the motel she'd told him to pick her up at, his fingers drumming on the steering wheel out of nervousness as he spotted her.
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[Jun. 16th, 2008|07:38 pm]


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[Current Mood |excited]

WHO: Sam Winchester and Anne
WHAT: Talks & Trips
WHERE: His place & then.... elsewhere!

It seemed like nothing had been normal in weeks. There was the 'jumping all over time' thing, which, frankly? She'd done and this was no better. Seeing Sam injured hadn't done her heart any favors. Seeing Sam as a toddler hadn't improved things. Then there were killer ghosts and a friend in need of a friend and now? Anne was in need of her boyfriend. Right now.

Forgoing the doorbell, the stairs or anything else, she appeared in Sam's bedroom in a bit of sparkly blue light and could have just hugged the bed itself. The room was just Sam and she'd missed him. As soon as she saw him? She practically threw herself at him, burying her face in his neck.
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[Jun. 16th, 2008|08:19 pm]



Who: Everyone involved in the Solomon's Crown plot
Where: a private meeting hall in Italy
What: Suiting up, comparing notes, eating dinner
When: Early evening, Milan time

The meeting hall was not huge. It could have been any meeting hall in any library in the world. The fact that it was filled to the brim with food that technically wasn't supposed to be there was the only thing that set the room apart from any other.

The people inside the room, however, were such a varied amalgam that there was no mistaking this for a book of the month club meeting.

There were maps of Israel and Jerusalem pinned to the walls, and various scribblings in both English and Creole on the sides. A stack of neat notes, written in Italian, were on the table, far away from the food. A photocopied packet of the notes was by each of the seven seats.
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[Jun. 16th, 2008|10:07 pm]
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Who: Jareth & Sarah
What: Rescue mission of sorts
Where: London
Warnings: Probably none.

Jareth was pleased to find that he was still at least endowed with his own powers, and with one thought, one simple breath of his name, he was at Sarah's side. Well, so to speak.
In fact, he was standing before her, dark and shadowed, wearing very modern attire, though still with the amulet and the slight fanciful look about him.
"Now we're both lost." He said with a smug smile. "And lost is something I've never been before."
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