Under the Rainbow - Logs community - June 5th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 5th, 2008

[Jun. 5th, 2008|05:38 pm]


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Who: Extremis Tony & Pepper Potts
Where: Tony's Los Angeles pad
When: backdated to last night
Why:  Any number of reasons.  Paparazzi are after them, they're horny...really anything.
Rating: *ahem* does this really need to be stated?

His feet were propped up on the workstation as Jarvis switched views between the cameras that lined the outer wall of his home, a bowl of popcorn sitting in his lap as he munched happily as he watched one photographer try to peek into a glass only to have a bright light flashed in his eyes.  Stupid people.  Thinking that Tony Stark wouldn't have some kind of unbreachable security system.  With the Extremis, Tony could tap into his house's systems no matter where he was in the place or even if he were miles away, which is what he did while inside of the suit early in the afternoon.  He'd been working on a version of Jarvis for Pepper's home, one complete with a security system to rival the one operated, and so he'd surfed through Stark databases for blueprints and tweaked them a little to her specifications.  Aside from that, he'd been quite bored despite the fact he should have been running the company since Pepper wasn't his employee.

Finishing the last of his popcorn, he spotted Pepper's car on one of the screens pulling into the driveway with swarms of paparazzi following her car until it'd come to a stop.  He didn't care if they harassed him.  He was used to that kind of thing.  What he hated was them bugging her a bit too much.  Rolling his eyes, Tony pushed a button that connected him to a loud speaker as he yelled at the people on his lawn, "Hey!  Get away from her before Iron Man comes out to play rocket tag with each and every one of you.  And believe me, he <b>doesn't</b> miss."  Pepper would find the front door unlocked for her.
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[Jun. 5th, 2008|09:26 pm]
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Who: Sweeney Todd and his dog, Dean Winchester and his dog
What: Dog walking
When: Late night Thursday
Where: London
Warnings: Nothing horribly forseeable except perhaps a lot of swearing?

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