Under the Rainbow - Logs community - May 31st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 31st, 2008

[May. 31st, 2008|01:05 pm]
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Who: Slevin Kelevra and Ruby.
What: Drinking!
When: Last night.
Where: A theme bar in Miami.
Warnings: Bound to be a few.

Trying to drink away the part of the day that I cannot sleep away. )
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[May. 31st, 2008|08:25 pm]


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Who: Extremis!Tony and Pepper
When: Nowish
Where: Her love shack, I mean...whut?
Why: Sperm donation
Rating: Smut.  Duh.

Thank God, everything was back to normal so he could speed his car down the road.  As much as he didn't mind using the armor to get around when everything was futuristic, he preferred to cruise along in the supped up Audi and keep the undersuit hidden inside of his body instead of having to take it off.  Tony couldn't believe that he was doing this, actively trying to get Pepper pregnant, help her have the kid they both knew she deserved.  The one that haunted their relationship of what might have been.

He'd imagined a small boy with hair like his mother and eyes as intense as his sometimes.  And this made the decision that much easier and solidified his resolve that she would have this.  They would have this.

Twenty minutes and he was hauling ass into her driveway, gravel spitting from under the tires until he skidded to a halt.  Her butler had learned already that the door should be propped open and waiting for him.
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[May. 31st, 2008|08:54 pm]


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Who: Solvei Samuels and Kyle Rayner
What: Dinner, painting hanging and talking
Where: Sol's place
When: After this.
Warnings: Violence in the post. Some friskiness.

I am hanging on every word you say and even if you don't wanna speak tonight, That's all right with me. )
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[May. 31st, 2008|10:55 pm]


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Who: Bobby Singer and Mira
What: Hanging out, showing her where he lives
When: Night after this.
Where: London first, then Philly
Warnings: Maybe a couple. Just assume that it will.

Well there's a change in the wind/You know the signs don't lie/Such a strange feeling and I don't know why )
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