Under the Rainbow - Logs community - April 30th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 30th, 2008

[Apr. 30th, 2008|06:44 pm]
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Who: Nero and the four-in-one
Setting: Rehearsal, after school
What: Esme acting out
Warnings: Sex. Violence. Sexy violence. Possibly cursing.

Hie hence, be gone, away! It is the cuckoo that sings so out of tune )
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[Apr. 30th, 2008|08:42 pm]
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Who: Che and Alexi
When: The other night/early morning, right after this
Where: out and about, dancing an dessert
Warnings: uh... no? Surprisingly enough. Well, not besides LOL long!

Right under here! )
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[Apr. 30th, 2008|11:42 pm]
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Who: Pepper Potts and Stephen Strange
When: Tonight
What: Having dinner
Where: Somewhere in LA
Warnings: Uh. Well it's us but I dunno.

Pepper wasn't quite sure about this, and most of her was flailing internally and telling herself to just kind of shut the door in his face and go and hide. Mostly because of Sophie's words about her and Stephen. And she wasn't quite sure which was more odd. The fact that they had some relationship in the future, or the fact that it was 16 years in the future and they were still having some sort of fling.

For once she wasn't wearing a business suit, instead a nice dress. Apparently she wore a lot of those since she was some kind of actress now. And her home was big, much too big for her but what could she do? So she waited for Stephen to come like he said he would.
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