Under the Rainbow - Logs community - January 13th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 13th, 2008

[Jan. 13th, 2008|11:42 am]
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WHO: Terry Cassidy and Jimmy Reyes
WHERE: Jimmy's flat
WHEN: A couple days ago
STATUS: Started

Terry was worried about Jimmy. She remembered how it had been for her, when she'd learned about her father's death. She'd refused to accept it and she had lashed out. Jamie had been there for her, had supported her, and now she planned to do the same for Jimmy. Because of all the members of X-Factor, Jimmy was important to her. She still didn't know where they stood, but he was, first and foremost, a friend. And she didn't want to watch her friend suffer.

She stood, nervously, outside his flat, then finally knocked on the door. "Jimmyboy," she called, "it's Terry."
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[Jan. 13th, 2008|04:35 pm]
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who. Kon-El and Mia Kent
what. Meeting up, helping Kon deal with the fact that he has breasts
when. Today!
where. Starts in Chicago

I'm Super, thanks for asking! )
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[Jan. 13th, 2008|09:27 pm]
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Who: Mugen and Mia
What: Movie? Talking through a movie.
Where: Mia's apartment
Warnings: Eh, language

Everybody was kung fu fighting )
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