Under the Rainbow - Logs community - January 14th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 14th, 2008

[Jan. 14th, 2008|05:14 pm]
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Who: Desire, Delirium, Death.
What: The Endless mortals get together for a pity party and possibly some pancakes. HA ALLITERATION.
When: Late afternoon.

Have you heard the news that you're dead? )
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[Jan. 14th, 2008|06:50 pm]
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Who: Stonewall and Spairn
What: A phone call. A possibly frantic and maybe a little tipsy.
Where: Brixton and The East Village
When: Last night
Warnings: Language and who the heck knows what else.

This was so not the note Spairn wanted to begin the new semester on. There was no reason whatsoever for such tomfoolery, thanks very much, and if this was a prank from that one reality-warping child who sat in the back of the class day to day.. well, they were going to have words once he woke up from this bad trip.

Yes, he had promised Stone a call, but before he could do that Spairn needed a drink or three to loosen his bones a little. Okay, maybe four, but that was his limit. Four very large drinks, and he was on his way out the door of the liquor store with the bags in his hands. Ha, he hadn't said for glasses, now had he.

Fumbling around with his phone while attempting to juggle around said bags wasn't all that difficult, and with quick fingers he punched in the right combination for Stone's speed dial and settled the phone between ear and shoulder, cracking open a can of beer as he waited for the man to pick up.
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[Jan. 14th, 2008|09:27 pm]
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Who: Seth and Tachikoma
When: Tonight
What: Seth is freaked and runs over to Tach's for help...and gets a surprise.

IIIII ain't got no boooody. )
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[Jan. 14th, 2008|10:34 pm]
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Who: Rebecca House and Death!
What: Talkin'
Where: Her room in George's manor
When: Late Monday evening

She'd managed to get to her dad's place without any trouble. Luckily it wasn't that far away, and though the guards were reluctant to believe her, she finally showed enough ID to get in. After getting her two puppies, Jude and Pipsqueak, settled in with Biggles she lugged herself up the stairs and changed into her maternity pajamas. They weren't the prettiest things, but dark blue, flannel, warm and comfortable. She wasn't dressing to impress, especially since her husband in this time period was a teenager.

Settling back against the pillows she sighed rather contently and put in her ear bud headphones, listening to a band called 'Feeder' on her iPod. Relaxing, she rested her hands on her stomach and smiled a little as she felt her daughter kick.
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[Jan. 14th, 2008|10:56 pm]


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Who: Anakin Solo and Rahne Sinclair
What: First date whoo
When: Tonight
Warnings: Well, it is Plotty McPlot week.

It's weird to be mature enough to save the galaxy and yet not mature enough to go on a date without feeling like a moron. )
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[Jan. 14th, 2008|11:44 pm]
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Who: Boomer and Adora
What: Naked and superpowered
Warnings:Fuck yeah.

I'll boom you, baby. )
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