April 8th, 2011

[info]msabaddon in [info]uprisingrpg

Who: Marek and Felixa
What: Quill resuscitation
When: Tuesday Morning [backdated]
Where: Mr. Ollivander's
Warnings: TBA
Status: Incomplete

A goose quill is more dangerous than a lion's claw )

[info]hekatos in [info]uprisingrpg

To: Felixa Abaddon
From: Marek Bobbin

owl post )

[info]rebelhellion in [info]uprisingrpg

Who: T and Angela (as Emil and Thatcher, respectively)
What: underground black market deal going down, yo.
When: Friday evening.
Where: a Muggle pub.
Warnings: TBA
Status: Incomplete

and the forecast is crazy all week )
