November 30th, 2010

[info]charlesweasley in [info]uprisingrpg

Who: Charlie and Hestia
What: The two traveled to Romania to see the hatching of a dragon
When: Friday (Backdated)
Where: Dragon Sanctuary in Romania
Warnings: TBA
Status: Incomplete

In the blinking stardust of a pale blue light, you're comin' thru to me in black and white, when we were made of dreams )

[info]bill_weasley8 in [info]uprisingrpg

Who: Bill & Ginny
What: Dinner and movies
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Bill's flat
Warnings: Probably none
Status: Incomplete

Down by the river, down by the old main drag )

[info]maraudermoony in [info]uprisingrpg

Who: Remus and Fred
What: After saying he would do so for weeks, Remus reaches out to Fred
When: Tuesday Evening
Where: Alphard Black's Home (for now)
Warnings: TBA
Status: Incomplete

Leave all your love and your loving behind; you cant carry it with you if you want to survive )

[info]bayleighcrouch in [info]uprisingrpg

Who: Bayleigh and Chastity
What: Bayleigh needs womanly advice and decides that Chastity is the perfect person to go to
When: Tuesday
Where: Montgomery Manor
Warnings: IDK

She set the bar just above the stars )
