October 13th, 2010

[info]momentofsilence in [info]uprisingrpg

Who: Severus Snape and Serafina Zabini
What: Serafina's looking to get involved in Hogwarts politics
Where: Snape's office
When: Thursday afternoon (backdated)
Rating: PG?

Severus wasn't used to social visits )

[info]charlesweasley in [info]uprisingrpg

Who: Charlie and Bill (Other Weasleys/Tonks are welcome to join!)
What: Drinks at Hog's Head
When: Late Tuesday Evening
Where: Hogsmeade
Warnings: Doubtful

Let the fun begin, it's time to let down your hair! )

[info]rebelhellion in [info]uprisingrpg

Who: TELLA, brief appearances from random female and T's parents (NPCs)
What: preparing for the full moon... the best laid plans, and all that.
When: Wednesday, late afternoon
Where: Hyde Tavern, Winchester, Hampshire, to start with.
Warnings: VIOLENCE, DEATH. Everything else TBA
Status: Incomplete

...bury your burning hatred like a hatchet in the snow... )
