August 18th, 2010

[info]rebelhellion in [info]uprisingrpg

Who: T and Cerise
What: surprise!fortune telling
When: Wednesday, morning-ish?
Where: Department of Mysteries
Warnings: TBA
Status: Complete

then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel was just a freight train coming your way )

[info]rupatientia in [info]uprisingrpg

Who: Patience and Chastity
What: dinner, talking
When: Monday night [backdated]
Where: Chas's part of the Montgomery place.
Warnings: TBA
Status: Incomplete

we get stuck sometimes, but these wheels will roll )

[info]undesirab1e in [info]uprisingrpg

Who: Harry and Ron
What: Harry finds out about Ron's secret gun.
When: Monday [backdated]
Where: Manchester hideaway.
Warnings: TBA
Status: Incomplete

practical minds leading practical lives )
