August 4th, 2010

[info]serpenthandler in [info]uprisingrpg

Who: Aurora Sinistra and Phoebus Avery
Where: Astronomy Tower
What: Um. Phoebus being a dumbass.
Why: See what.
Warnings: Slapping.
Rating: PG-13/R

F----ing HTML )

[info]bleedlikeme in [info]uprisingrpg

Who: Rora & Alecto
Where: Hogsmeade
Why: Oh Alecto has a few injuries
When: After the Log I haven't posted yet. :)
What: Den Momma R comes to love on Alecto
Rating: TBD

darkness falls, the place is quiet, and Alecto was dripping blood on the floor )

[info]bleedlikeme in [info]uprisingrpg

Who: Alecto Carrow & Kieran MacGilly [NPC]
What: Murder and Mayhem
Why: Kieran's been stirring up trouble. Bye Bye Kier.
Where: where ever she finds him
When: Backdated to before this and after this.
Rated: R (Violence, Language, Murder)
Status: Completed. To be edited when I figure out what's to be done with the body.

you're causing trouble, i take care of trouble )
