[info]king_of_rohan in [info]untold_tales

A note rides out from Rohan....

... along with the Elven Healers (that will be posted in a log soon).

My Lord Stewards,

It would have been nice to have recieved a letter of warning that Elves would be traveling to Gondor, I would have opened my border for them to make their passage easier.

As it stands now, they have just recently departed Edoras - my Riders escorted them there - and I've tried to make sure no one else bothers them on their way to you.

Please keep me up to date on the situation in Gondor, the borders are closed but that doesn't mean we are your enemy.

Any word of Eowyn yet? We have not seen her...

- Eomer King.


A letter is sent back, for whenever it makes it there, bearing Boromir's seal:

Eomer King,

I had thought that a letter had been sent to notify you, in which case, it may not have made it to Edoras as intended. Consider this letter your notification of these events, and you have our gratitude for allowing the Elves to pass through into Gondor.

As to the situation, I will not mince words - it has since become quite grave. Three-fourths of those who fall ill, die from it. I would recommend you keep your border closed, until further notice is sent.

I am unaware of Lady Eowyn's whereabouts, and I am certain that is much the same in my brother's case. You will recieve word if she should turn up.
