Jun. 30th, 2008


A letter makes its way to Amrothos, in the hands of a Citadel Page

It is folded and sealed with wax, so that any tampering is evident.

Lord Amrothos,
Last evening I was called to the side of one Zaira, who let it be known to me in confidence today that you were friends. She wished you to know that the child is in fact a girl, who she has named Isilmë.

It was not an easy birth for mother, nor child, though the child is healthy and in the care of the Healers presently. She lives, and I believe she will recover. You may come visit if you wish. I believe, also, that she wished Prince Imrahil to know of her situation.

- Lord Elrond

Jun. 17th, 2008


A letter arrives at Boromir's office...

... in the hands of a very winded Page.


I will be brief. Aragorn is stable, though has awoken only briefly. At the time being, I feel it is safe to assume he will survive this. Since he continues to ask for Arwen upon waking, I am lifting my ban on visitors so that she may sit by his side.

Any futher company or stresses may reverse the work we have done, so I will allow Arwen, and ONLY Arwen, be present. I will make a note when it is allowable for Stewards to come berate him for so foolishly walking the streets alone.

In other news, as I hear the ranger Ithiriel works for your brother, he may wish to know that she, also, is stable, though he may wish to relieve her from duty indefinitely. I would prefer it if no one troubled her, as well. There are already enough elves in the houses to make the healers worry of a possible invasion.

I can be found here if you need anything further.

- Lord Elrond