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Thursday, July 3rd, 2008
Who: Avarian and Caranthir
What: Character development and backstory!
When: After cuddling or something, apparently.
Where: Caranthir's inn room.

It is a song someone wrote ... for their love on the other shore. )
Who: Ithiriel, Maglor

What: self-undertaken stitch removal, talkiness, 'when cats attack!', alluringness, then...much of ze faintingness. XD

When: Recently.

Notes/Warnings: some friskiness, glossed over so u haz 2 use ur imaginationz plz, kthanx.

Beast of Morgoth! )

Who: Maglor, Ithiriel, Zhibal, Dee, and its so not in that order, either. Pah!

What: Maglor seeks out advice from the sex artiste, is given wine that can knock a Mirkwood Elf on their arse, then (bonding)smut: *happens*. After much awkwardness and hinting of someone hiding in closet-spaces. :D

When: After the faintingness. <3

Notes/Warnings: The "(bonding)smut: *happens*" is just that, verbatim, utterly glossed over unless drunk!elves!kissing! is uncomfy...anyway, no one can squick over it. Ker~yeahs. <3

I've been alone for a very, very, very long time, and I think that's very, very, very apparent. )

Who: Iren, Haladreth.
What: An argument!
When: A day after the Iren/Norno log..

You say you love me and then you raise yourself above everything in this place, even me. )
7:44p - ... She took my glowy rock.
Who: Feanor, Avarian
What: Work on the theatre, Feanor shows off his glowy rocks, and makes an observation.
When: Right after This Ava/Caran log and before This bonding stuff happened.

... She took my glowy rock. )
7:54p - You are saddened, but I am not sure by what.
Who: Galadriel, Celeborn, Aragorn, Arwen
What: Celeborn's return, catching up, visiting grandchildren with colds!
When: Yesterdayish?

Are we having this discussion again? )
8:22p - She thought I was gay.
Who: Caranthir, Maglor, Feanor, Avarian (briefly), Ithiriel
What: uh... some confusingness, and then Feanor and Maglor pester Caranthir!
When: Pretty much, at some point After the bonding.

You aren't? )
Who: Eomer and Lothiriel
Where: Lothi's inn room
When: Recently
What: Cuddling and talking about the near-future.
Rating: PG-13 for talking about boobs.

Will we need a wagon or three to get you out of Dol Amroth, do you think? )

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