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Jul. 31st, 2010


When: Saturday Night
Where: The Pub!
What: Harry's Birthday!!!

The Details )

Jul. 30th, 2010


Who: Helena, Fred and Gellert
What: Helena needs to get fitted for some dresses
When: Pre-dating to sometime on Friday
Where: The clothing store.
Rating / Status: Naked Helena? NC-17! Or, maybe.. PG? / Incomplete.

To the fitting! )

Jul. 27th, 2010


Who: Fred and Helena
What: Fred has something to give to her.
When: Tuesday night, after the girls have finished painting the bungalow
Where: Bungalow #11
Rating / Status: TBD / Incomplete.

she could read between the lines )


WHO: Angelina & Helena, open to Rose and/or anyone else who might drop by!
WHAT: Redecorating
WHEN: After work
WHERE: Bungalow 11
RATING: G, I'm sure
STATUS: In progress

They say there's nothing quite like hard work )

Jul. 26th, 2010


Note left for Fred )

Note left for Helena and Rose )

Jul. 25th, 2010


Who: Sirius and his party guests
Where: Bungalow 5's Backyard
When: Sunday Afternoon

ooc: Feel free to have subthreads in the comments!

Jul. 23rd, 2010


Who: Adrian and Helena
Where: The beach
When: Friday night
What: Getting a girl drunk duh
Rating: TBD

A nice bottle of rum to pair with a fruity juice. Girls always seemed to enjoy the fruity shit. )


Who: Helena Ravenclaw and Harry Potter
What: Trying to find some information
When: Saturday morning
Where: Library
Rating / Status: Low / Incomplete

the very fate which she so dreaded now )

Jul. 18th, 2010


Who: Helena Ravenclaw and Fred Weasley
What: Freaking out and pacing the island
Where: Just around
When: Sunday night, about 9pm-ish
Rating/Status: PG / Complete

when her previously ingrained ways told her to go to sleep, everything seemed to slowly close in on her. )

Jul. 5th, 2010


Who: Helena Ravenclaw and Teddy Lupin
What: Helena's tripped and scared!
When: Shortly after her arrival
Where: Out and about
Rating/Status: Probably low / Incomplete

There were girls in britches, and both sexes in clothing that she had never even dreamed of before. )

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