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Jul. 18th, 2010


Who: Helena Ravenclaw and Fred Weasley
What: Freaking out and pacing the island
Where: Just around
When: Sunday night, about 9pm-ish
Rating/Status: PG / Complete

when her previously ingrained ways told her to go to sleep, everything seemed to slowly close in on her. )


WHO: Angelina & Fred
WHAT: Ange doesn't know who to go to after fighting with Pansy, so she finds Fred
WHERE: Fred's bungalow
WHEN: After Pansy!
STATUS: Complete, yay!

If you're looking for a show... )


Who: Fred and Tonks
What: Fred hits on Tonks and gets shot down
Where: Pub
When: After Andromeda arrived
Status/Rating: Complete/low

I'd like to visit between the holidays )

Jul. 15th, 2010


Who: Fred Weasley and Pansy Parkinson (OH SHIT)
What: I'm assuming fighting
Where: Beach
When: Thursday evening
Status/Rating: Complete/ Probably high



Who: Fred and George Weasley
What: Hangin out at work.
Where: The grocery store
When: Thursday afternoon.

George was bored. )

Jul. 13th, 2010


Who: Fred and OPEN
What: Fred is Broody Brooderson
Where: er, around?
When: Tuesday
Status/Rating: Incomplete/TBD

Jul. 7th, 2010


Who: Fred Weasley and Tonks
What: Opening baggage!
Where: Bungalow 5
When: BACKDATED: Monday
Status/Rating: Complete/low

Jul. 6th, 2010


Who: Angelina & Fred
What: Confrontation
When: PRE DATED TO: Wednesday morning
Where: Fred's
Rating: Meh-y for possible swearing

You've been singing that old song far too long )


Who: Fred Weasley and Sirius Black
: Bitching and drinking
Where: The Pub
When: Tuesday night
Status/Rating: Incomplete/High for language

Jul. 1st, 2010


Who: Fred and Hugo Weasley
What: Fred wants to actually meet his favorite nephew
Where: The bar
When: Monday
Rating: Low

The coolest Weasleys there are )

Jun. 30th, 2010


Who: Fred and George Weasley
What: Reunion
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: The grocery shop

What is six years time difference between twins? )

Jun. 27th, 2010


Who: Tonks and Fred
When: Saturday Morning
Where: Tonks' Bungalow
What: Breakfast and Baggage
Rating: Low

You know what we should do? Let's open my luggage. )

Jun. 24th, 2010


Who: Draco Malfoy and Fred Weasley
Where: The carpenter's shop
When: Thursday afternoon
What: Trying to figure shit out

Why the hell not, right? )


Who: Ginny and Fred
When: Thursday Night
Where: Bungalow 5
What: Ginny comes to see her brother
Rating: Low
Status: Imcomplete

Gingers make the best siblings )


Who: Fred and Sirius
What: He's exploring
Where: Outside
When: Bout an hour after arriving
Status/Rating: Complete; PG13

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