June 27th, 2010

[info]friendineed in [info]unloading_zone

WHO: Adrian and Ginny
WHERE: The pub
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHAT: Drinks duh
STATUS: Incomplete

He was partial to the little umbrella. Or maybe he was just drunk )

[info]getupagain in [info]unloading_zone

Who: Tonks and Fred
When: Saturday Morning
Where: Tonks' Bungalow
What: Breakfast and Baggage
Rating: Low

You know what we should do? Let's open my luggage. )

[info]getupagain in [info]unloading_zone

Who: Tonks and Remus
When: Sunday Afternoon
Where: Around the Island
What: Picking Mangos and talking
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

Wotcher. Fancy a walk? )

[info]good_tastes in [info]unloading_zone

Who: Anthony and Percy
What: Running into each other
When: Monday morning. (Pre-dated a few hours)
Where: Out and about on the island
Status/Rating: Incomplete / TBD

One mi-minute, there was a b-b-battle, Death Eaters everywhere and n-next.. )