Future Unexpected [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Future Unexpected

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[Aug. 11th, 2008|04:57 pm]
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Who: Orla Quirke and Rose Zeller-Corner
When: Monday evening
Where: Fortesce's in Diagon
What: friendly chat and ice cream
Rating: E for Everyone
Status: Closed / Incomplete

Sprinkles make it all better )
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[Jul. 27th, 2008|02:42 am]
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Owl to Merlin Stebbins )
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[Jul. 23rd, 2008|10:04 pm]
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Who: Merlin Stebbins and Orla Quirke
When: This Afternoon/Evening
Where: Diagon Alley, White Witch Weddings
What: Meeting the missus!
Rating: Maybe PG, maybe higher. Who knows how bad his mouth might get.
Status: Closed/ In Progress

Consider yourself part of the family. It's clear we're going to get along! )
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[Jul. 21st, 2008|01:45 am]
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Owl to Terry Boot )
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