Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Apr. 23rd, 2009|04:28 pm]

Sarah Jane's gone. I'll miss her.

...I suppose I've got more time to focus on my schoolwork now. That's almost a good thing.
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[Apr. 14th, 2009|11:25 pm]

I can finally touch things without them freezing on me. :) No more turning the keyboard into a block of ice by accident.
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[Mar. 27th, 2009|05:56 pm]
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Erm, Sarah Jane, anyone? D'you know why I just managed to freeze something by touching it?

At least this could be useful. You never know when you want something cold, right?
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[Jan. 25th, 2009|11:23 am]

That was a weird week, all those people going back and forth in time...

Does that happen here a lot?
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[Jan. 16th, 2009|07:26 pm]

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You know, I'm so happy I feel like I could explode. Into a lot of really happy bits. ... gross, non-sanitary happy bits.
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[Dec. 23rd, 2008|12:22 am]
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...Sarah Jane? Luke? Clyde?

Since when do tornado-things come out of nowhere and pick you up like that? I get the feeling I'm not in Ealing anymore...
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