Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - November 24th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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November 24th, 2010

[Nov. 24th, 2010|07:27 am]

Alright folks, this is it, last call. Holiday feast at Casa de Bonney [Key West address]

Party starts tomorrow mid-day, goes until the food runs out or Sunday rolls around, whichever one takes longer.

Bring spouses, offspring, pets and even random hobos off the street if you like, there's always enough to go 'round, if you want to bring an side dish, feel free, you want to bring some booze, feel free, you want to bring some music, hell I've probably already got it, but go ahead. I usually say bring your own chair and dishware, but I think I might even have that covered for once.

TL;DR: Be there or be a four-sided-rectangular thingy.
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[Nov. 24th, 2010|09:25 am]


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Henry )
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[Nov. 24th, 2010|03:53 pm]
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Ariel, I insist you need more social interaction. You're coming along with me to Ms. Bonney's feast. My brothers will be there, as will your pirate friend, I believe.
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[Nov. 24th, 2010|04:32 pm]


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Yes, Sam, I figured out how to cut and paste, suck it
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[Nov. 24th, 2010|11:05 pm]


[Current Mood |sad]

Happy birthday, Bonnie.

I miss you.
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