Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - April 22nd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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April 22nd, 2010

[Apr. 22nd, 2010|01:08 pm]



You know what I'm learning?

I'm learning that I really shouldn't work with kids. Must've taught the little gits more rude words than anyone else ever has.

It's a fun job, though. They're really nice kids.
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[Apr. 22nd, 2010|01:46 pm]

It has recently come to my attention that I simply cannot be a proper private eye without a proper investigator's hat. I have a bowler, and even a porkpie, but it really isn't what I need.

What I need is a well-made wool-felt fedora. Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction to find a good haberdasher or a mad hatter?
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[Apr. 22nd, 2010|10:07 pm]
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So, these portkey things, they're safe, right?
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