January 24th, 2011

[info]stayingali in [info]underquarantine

Who: Alicia, Harry, and Miles.
What: Quidditch captain stuff.
Where: Three Broomsticks
When: Monday night
Rating: Probably PG-13 to R?
Status: TBD
Notes: If you two don't want to do this no worries! Or just want to summarize it, that works too.

Quidditch, the important things in life. )

[info]stayingali in [info]underquarantine

Who: Alicia & Cormac
What: Alicia's upset and comes home later than she said she would.
Where: Their home.
When: Late on Monday night.
Rating: PG-13/R most likely.
Status: Complete.

Quietly opening the door. )

[info]wandnwizard in [info]underquarantine

Who: Rabastan and Ollivander
What: You know how men are about wood...
When: Thursday [Yup, Backdate! My bad!]
Where: The Three Broomsticks
Status/Rating: In progress/ Probably low

He was a man with something to accomplish )