November 28th, 2010

[info]gpage in [info]underquarantine

Who: Hermione Granger and Grant Page
Where: West door and then Forbidden Forest
When: Six-ish
What: Dinner
Rating: Probably low
Status: Incomplete

Maybe he'd like her? It was entirely improbable, but it could happen. )

[info]justapuff in [info]underquarantine

Who: Justin Finch-Fletchley and Padma Patil
What: Dinner
When: Sunday evening
Where: An empty classroom
Rating: G
Status: Incomplete

Food stuffs! )

[info]hell_hound in [info]underquarantine

Who: Terrence Higgs and Ollivander (That old Coot!)
When: BACKDATED to Ollivander’s visit to Hogwarts
Where: The 3rd Floor
What: Discussing things!
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

”Accio” )

[info]justapuff in [info]underquarantine

[Men Only]

So. Any suggestions if the girl you're interested in kind of isn't dating?


{{OOC: I JUST realized I posted this to the comm. But the conversation is too hilarious to lose, so it's staying. SORRY.}}