November 18th, 2010

[info]rburrow in [info]underquarantine

Who: Randolph Burrow & Meaghan McCormack
What: Randy asked her out on a date.
Where: Outside the Great Hall and to an empty class room.
When: 7:30 on Thursday
Rating: PG?
Status: Incomplete

Here goes date number one )

[info]iamnott in [info]underquarantine

WHO: Theodore Nott and Daphne Greengrass
WHAT: Dinner and talking
WHERE: Astronomy Tower
WHEN: Thursday evening after the festivities, 7 PM and on
STATUS: Incomplete

To ensure privacy, the Defigo spell was used to lock the door behind them. )

[info]lunarly in [info]underquarantine

Who: Luna Lovegood & Open
What: Avoiding the fiasco of a wedding that's happening within
When: 3:00
Where: The stables
Rating: Probably G. This is Luna.
Status: Incomplete

Unless, of course, Rita would enjoy the stable smell permeating through her wedding. )

[info]rita_ in [info]underquarantine

Who: Rita Skeeter, Rabastan Lestrange, and open to whoever else feels up to joining in.
What: Getting married
When: 3pm
Where: The Great Hall.
Rating: Medium -- will change as needed
Status: In Progress

[OOC note - Feel free to comment on what your character was doing at this time, or to play out scenes.]

Read more... )

[info]thepuddlekeeper in [info]underquarantine

WHO: Oliver Wood and Victoria Frobisher
WHERE: The Courtyard
WHEN: Thursday evening
WHY: They're having a tea date
RATING: PG most likely
STATUS: Incomplete and closed to all but Victoria and Oliver

Once upon a time, the world was a simple place. The end. )

[info]stayingali in [info]underquarantine

Who: Alicia Spinnet & Miles Bletchley
What: Broom racing while eating & both losing.
Where: The Pitch
When: Lunch on Thursday
Rating: PG to PG-13?
Status: Incomplete

Fine a draw! )