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[07 Sep 2009|12:28pm]
Lily: Yeah, I agree with Ted. In a real relationship, you share everything. That's why Marshall and I don't keep any secrets.

Barney: You are such a cutie pie. Here's a quarter, go play something on the jukebox.

Ted: It's true. They tell each other everything.

Barney: I can think of tons of things there's no way Marshall told you.

Lily: Try me.

Barney: Do you know about the time the Marshall was in Trenton?

Lily: Doggie ate his pants. Yep.

Barney: Bill's bachelor party in Memphis.

Lily: Oh, when they had to pump out all the nickels from his stomach?

Barney: OK, Seattle.

Lily: Trick question, Marshall's never been to the Pacific Northwest because he's afraid of Sasquatch.

Barney: Damn.

Marshall: I'm not afraid of Sasquatch. I just think we should all be on alert.
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[ viewing | September 7th, 2009 ]
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