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[06 Sep 2009|09:45pm]

SWEETS: When I was 10 the kid next door had a turtle party wagon. It's an accessory for teenage mutant ninja turtle action figures, it's a toy. Anyway, I loved that party wagon, I wanted that party wagon. So I climbed the tree outside his bedroom window, but the tree had a fungus and his dad was to cheap to hire an arborist, so unbeknownst to me some of the branches were dead. I'm in the hospital, broken arm, concussion and the kid with the party wagon comes in. I confess everything, you know what he says? I would have given it to you.
ANGELA: Uh huh, he had a little gay crush on you.
SWEETS: He did? Oh man that explains a lot.
ANGELA: But I'm guessing that you have a different point to the story like maybe I'm the party wagon?
SWEETS: No you're the gay neighbor boy.

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