Thursday, January 17th, 2008

Some Icons

The other day, I made some icons.
So if anyone's interested in using any of them, please comment & credit.
They're not strictly for the rp, but I figured that I'd share, and who knows when I'll actually post these icons online. =) Tell me what you all think. =)
I also need to go through my older graphics and take a look at what you guys may be interested in

Also, I've got a bunch of CLAMP layouts coming up~ I'll post them here as well. also gotta find the old ones of those too

Anyways~ if used credit [info]rumble_madness/[info]winged_lily. Resource Post

Please don't hotlink if you take. I've had some issues with hotlinkers before, so I ask that you please save the icons to either your computer or your own server if you place them on your computer, you can delete them after they're uploaded if you wish to do so.

Characters featured:
[x] Mokona
[x] Black Mokona
[x] Both Mokonas
[x] Yuuko/Watanuki
[x] Yuuko
[x] Syaoran
[x] Sakura
[x] Ascot
[x] Sakura/Syaoran
Total of 33 icons.

Hitsuzen )

<3 Miko-chan
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