Tsubasa_RPG's Out of Character Community's Journal
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Below are the 13 most recent journal entries recorded in Tsubasa_RPG's Out of Character Community's InsaneJournal:

    Tuesday, May 19th, 2009
    2:24 pm
    Hey, I know that this is off-topic but I was wondering if anyone's interested in doing a JE (Johnny's Entertainment) roleplay. Yuina and I are into it, but just two people can't start it up. So... if anyone's interested please respond.
    12:17 pm
    Sorry I haven't been active. Things have been really hectic.

    - Jenn
    Friday, May 8th, 2009
    6:22 pm
    Death Anyone?
    Ah, I should have posted this in the previous post.

    Just encase there are any deaths in this world...

    Is anyone willing to die????
    Don't worry, it'll just be for this world.

    Being on this list entitles that you may be killed off by any character at any time, since you give full permission to do so. So, if you're worried that you might die before you want to do something, then don't sign up.

    This list is ONLY for Fairytale Land!

    6:07 pm
    Just want you all to know that I'm active.
    The reason that I'm not posting is because I'm waiting for the masked ball.

    As for Sakura, the reason that I'm not on as her, is because I can't even wake up until I've got my first feather.
    Monday, May 4th, 2009
    6:29 pm
    Starting the RP~!!!!!!! World one

    As Kurogane-kun said: Fairytale Land~!!!

    - Kingdom's run by fairy-tales.
    - The main thing is that a prince is having a masked ball to find his one true love. This prince is also the owner of the feather, so who ever wins the heart of the prince probably can get a hold on the feather.
    - Magic is normal in this world.
    - Yet, the world is strongly determined on status: elites and peasants.

    Town Citizens
    *Everyone who wants to be a town citizen, please give me the following information:*
    - Status: as in either elite or peasant
    - Occupation: as in whatever you want as an occupation, or you don't even need to have one
    - Other: such as any little details you want/if you're similar to any specific fairytale story, you're free to write it here

    Ascot ([info]summoningbeasts)
    - Status: Peasant
    - Occupation: works in the palace kitchen
    - Other: Similar to Bluebeard, but different.

    Black Mokona ([info]blackmokona)
    A nobleman known for trying to pick up women.
    Likes to wear expensive clothing and is a bit of an alcoholic. xD

    Kail Knight ([info]darkness_kail)
    - Status: Peasant
    - Occupation: son to parents that work in a bakery
    - Other: wants to be recognized as a true man - he's more than just a peasant

    Aki Masaaki ([info]aki_masaaki)
    - Status: Elite
    - Occupation: Prince who's searching for his loved one
    - Other: He's rather young - around 20 years old.

    Helios ([info]goldencrystal)
    - Status: Elite
    - Occupation: Duke of a nearby country
    - Other: for me to know and you all to find out.

    Chibiusa ([info]tsukinochibiusa)
    - Status: Ah!! There's so many peasants, so I'll be an ELITE
    - Occupation: PRINCESS of a nearby country who's sent to the main country to marry the prince
    - Other: She's young - 13 years old.

    Ferio ([info]sir_ferio)
    - Status: Peasant
    - Occupation: Priest
    - Other: HIMITSU!!!

    Fleur ([info]la_fleur)
    Peasant; daughter of florists; parents want her to marry rich so they keep trying to make her proper in society, perfect manners, all qualities of an elite, so they want the masked ball to go on to marry someone rich, but she's only interested in marrying the man she loves.

    Miyu ([info]kyuuketsukihime)
    -Princess from a far of land, has an oriental feel about her
    -she is here for the ball to possibly attain the prince, however who knows what her true motives are behind that..
    -Lava her bodyguard of sorts I suppose you could say, he is extremely loyal to her, and can be quite deadly if the situation calls for it, though that only tends to happen if she requests of it, it is in danger. Also with looking more into those two with how they are and act..it seems as if there is something more to their relationship than what they let/intend to let show.

    Yuina Megumi ([info]yuina_megumi)
    Daughter of rich parents who are always at work. At home by herself a lot. Causes mischief just to get attention from her parents.

    - There is another feather out. It's been approved by me, but it wouldn't be fun for everyone to know who has it, so have fun. And~ this doesn't mean that the feather will be noticeable in this world, so make sure everyone reads closely to everyone's posts~!
    Tuesday, April 28th, 2009
    3:36 pm
    New Attempt
    Since we're trying to get this up again... here's the list of definite people taken.

    ~ Yuuko (Tsubasa/Xxx Holic) - [info]timewitch
    ~ Black Mokona (Tsubasa/Xxx Holic) - [info]blackmokona
    ~ Mokona (Magic Knight Rayearth/Tsubasa/Xxx Holic) - [info]whitemokona
    ~ Tomoyo (Cardcaptor Sakura/Tsubasa) - [info]japanese_hime
    ~ Kurogane (Tsubasa/Xxx Holic) - [info]dark_kurogane
    ~ Primera/Primela (Magic Knight Rayearth/Tsubasa) - [info]adorablepixie
    ~ Syaoran (Cardcaptor Sakura/Tsubasa/Xxx Holic) - [info]syaoran_kun
    ~ Sakura (Cardcaptor Sakura/Tsubasa/Xxx Holic) - [info]kawaii_sakura
    ~ Umi (Magic Knight Rayearth) - [info]waterknight
    ~ Ascot (Magic Knight Rayearth) - [info]summoningbeasts
    ~ Fai D. Florite (Tsubasa/xxxHolic) [info]fluffy_coat

    ~ Helios (Sailor Moon) - [info]goldencrystal
    ~ Chibi Usa (Sailor Moon) - [info]tsukinochibiusa
    ~ Yamano Miyu (Vampire Princess Miyu) - [info]kyuuketsukihime

    ~ Kail Knight - [info]darkness_kail
    ~ Fleur Debienne - [info]la_fleur
    ~ Yuina Megumi - [info]yuina_megumi
    ~ Aki Masaaki - [info]aki_masaaki

    Ok, this is a very important message...
    I figured that we're going to try to make the roleplaying easier to understand.

    Before you post we'd like to see what character(s) is(are) posting, what, when, and where (if there is a specified place in the world)

    Character(s): Character(s) Here!
    What: What is going on in the post here!
    When: When is this post taking place?
    Where: If you have a specified area, please write it here!

    Then follow with an LJ-CUT for the post. XD
    If you're having problems, copy the text in the box when you post.

    So yeah~
    Planning on starting soon, so please respond to this post!!!
    Anyways, we're going to be rotating who gets to come up with the world idea!! So the journals who post the fast get first dibs!
    Tuesday, April 21st, 2009
    11:34 pm
    Links to some icons

    Can't wait for us to start back up~!!!
    Saturday, February 2nd, 2008
    5:59 pm
    Mod Post
    Alright... seems like things are going really slow via discussion. I was hoping to get more comments/etc.

    From what I've gathered it seems like there are ranges as to where everyone is in the series.

    So uh, I guess I want to at least make sure that everyone is willing to participate. So please leave a comment here before February 10. If everyone doesn't leave a message by then, I'll assume that you're not interested.

    <3 Trisha
    Wednesday, January 23rd, 2008
    4:53 pm
    Mod Post
    Hey everyone.
    I realize that I'm not very clear with things.

    Anyways, instead of me choosing where we begin and stuff, I want to hear how everyone wants to do the rp. Like where to start, what worlds, etc.

    <3 Miko-chan
    sorry i'm not on my rp journal
    Sunday, January 20th, 2008
    8:46 pm
    More Old Icons XD
    OMG. These are terrible icons... but none-the-less, I did make them... back in the year 2006 and they're CLAMP related, so yeah... that's why I'm posting them.

    I still have more to post... just I'll get them up later. ^^;;;

    Anyways~ if used credit [info]rumble_madness/[info]winged_lily. Resource Post

    Please don't hotlink if you take. I've had some issues with hotlinkers before, so I ask that you please save the icons to either your computer or your own server if you place them on your computer, you can delete them after they're uploaded if you wish to do so.

    Characters featured:
    [x] RG Veda Characters
    [x] Primera/Primera
    [x] Kurogane/Tomoyo
    [x] Eagle
    [x] Eagle/Hikaru
    [x] Presea
    [x] Galdina/Caldina
    [x] Emeraude
    [x] Lafarga/Caldina(Galdina)
    [x] Alciyone
    [x] Sakura/Syaoran
    [x] Sakura
    [x] Tomoyo
    [x] Kurogane
    [x] Mokona
    [x] Fuu
    [x] Black Mokona
    [x] Umi
    [x] Fuu/Ferio
    [x] Clef
    [x] Zazu
    [x] Geo
    [x] Aska
    [x] Sangyuun
    [x] Tatra
    [x] Tarta
    [x] Ferio
    [x] Ferio/Clef
    [x] Hikaru/Umi
    [x] Hikaru
    [x] Ascot
    [x] Caldina(Gardina)/Mokona
    [x] Umi/Ascot
    [x] Aska/Sungyuun
    [x] Geo/Eagle
    [x] Chobits Characters
    [x] X/1999 Characters
    [x] Yuuko
    [x] Kurogane/Fai
    [x] Oruha

    If You Just Believe )

    <3 Miko-chan

    Current Mood: cold
    Current Music: Perhaps Love - Goong OST
    Thursday, January 17th, 2008
    5:18 pm
    I Bring More Icons
    OMG. These are terrible icons... but none-the-less, I did make them... back in the year 2005 and they're CLAMP related, so yeah... that's why I'm posting them.

    I still have more to post... just I'll get them up later. ^^;;;

    Anyways~ if used credit [info]rumble_madness/[info]winged_lily. Resource Post

    Please don't hotlink if you take. I've had some issues with hotlinkers before, so I ask that you please save the icons to either your computer or your own server if you place them on your computer, you can delete them after they're uploaded if you wish to do so.

    Characters featured:
    [x] Umi/Clef
    [x] Umi
    [x] Fuu/Ferio
    [x] Clef
    [x] Sakura
    [x] Tomoyo
    [x] Tsubasa Cake
    [x] Primera
    [x] Mokona
    [x] Chobits Characters
    [x] Chii/Hidiki
    [x] Legal Drug Characters
    [x] Syaoran
    [x] Ashura
    [x] Yasha
    [x] Sakura/Syaoran
    [x] Meiling
    [x] Chiharu
    [x] Kero
    [x] Suppie
    [x] The Flower
    [x] Firey
    [x] Fuu
    [x] Ferio
    [x] Ascot/Umi

    Total of 75 icons.

    Thinking of You )

    <3 Miko-chan

    Current Mood: cold
    Current Music: Swing - Trace Adkins
    3:55 pm
    Some Icons
    The other day, I made some icons.
    So if anyone's interested in using any of them, please comment & credit.
    They're not strictly for the rp, but I figured that I'd share, and who knows when I'll actually post these icons online. =) Tell me what you all think. =)
    I also need to go through my older graphics and take a look at what you guys may be interested in

    Also, I've got a bunch of CLAMP layouts coming up~ I'll post them here as well. also gotta find the old ones of those too

    Anyways~ if used credit [info]rumble_madness/[info]winged_lily. Resource Post

    Please don't hotlink if you take. I've had some issues with hotlinkers before, so I ask that you please save the icons to either your computer or your own server if you place them on your computer, you can delete them after they're uploaded if you wish to do so.

    Characters featured:
    [x] Mokona
    [x] Black Mokona
    [x] Both Mokonas
    [x] Yuuko/Watanuki
    [x] Yuuko
    [x] Syaoran
    [x] Sakura
    [x] Ascot
    [x] Sakura/Syaoran
    Total of 33 icons.

    Hitsuzen )

    <3 Miko-chan

    Current Mood: drained
    Current Music: Do You Want Fries With That - Tim McGraw
    Monday, January 14th, 2008
    11:21 pm
    Hello everyone~!!

    I'm so excited that we're trying to start this place back up!!
    The one at GJ kind of died due to issues.

    So for all of you who remember me, It's Miko-chan~ your main mod~!!
    Ferio-kun, I mean Jenn, is back to being co-mod here. ^____^

    I'm really excited about this roleplay.
    We're going to start it from scratch, so all world ideas, etc please place here.

    ~ Yuuko (Tsubasa/Xxx Holic) - [info]timewitch
    ~ Black Mokona (Tsubasa/Xxx Holic) - [info]blackmokona
    ~ Mokona (Magic Knight Rayearth/Tsubasa/Xxx Holic) - [info]mokona
    ~ Tomoyo (Cardcaptor Sakura/Tsubasa) - [info]japanese_hime
    ~ Kurogane (Tsubasa/Xxx Holic) - [info]dark_kurogane
    ~ Fay/Fai (Tsubasa/Xxx Holic) - [info]endless_winter
    ~ Primera/Primela (Magic Knight Rayearth/Tsubasa) - [info]adorablepixie
    ~ Syaoran (Cardcaptor Sakura/Tsubasa/Xxx Holic) - [info]syaoran_kun
    ~ Sakura (Cardcaptor Sakura/Tsubasa/Xxx Holic) - [info]kawaii_sakura
    ~ Umi (Magic Knight Rayearth) - [info]waterknight
    ~ Ascot (Magic Knight Rayearth) - [info]summoningbeasts
    ~ Fuu (Magic Knight Rayearth) - *journal pending*

    ~ Helios (Sailor Moon) - [info]goldencrystal
    ~ Chibi Usa (Sailor Moon) - [info]tsukinochibiusa

    ~ Kail - [info]darkness_kail
    ~ Fleur - [info]la_fleur

    Ok, this is a very important message...
    I figured that we're going to try to make the roleplaying easier to understand.

    Before you post we'd like to see what character(s) is(are) posting, what, when, and where (if there is a specified place in the world)

    Character(s): Character(s) Here!
    What: What is going on in the post here!
    When: When is this post taking place?
    Where: If you have a specified area, please write it here!

    Then follow with an LJ-CUT for the post. XD
    If you're having problems, copy the text in the box when you post.

    Current Mood: cold
    Current Music: Lips of an Angel - Hinder
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