Mar. 3rd, 2014


New Character

Doesn't he look familiar? Less blue than usual, hmm.

So, yes, hello. This is Tracy and I've picked up another Jake. This time, he's coming from the start of Avatar. If you haven't seen the extended version, there's a 4-minute clip of Jake on Earth, which shows his crappy apartment, the bar he spends a lot of time in, the fight he picks with some guy who slaps his girlfriend and then him getting thrown out into the back alley by the bouncers before the RDA suits pick him up and tell him about Tommy. That's this Jake. He's just been thrown out of the bar. He knows nothing about Pandora, the Na'vi are those weird blue space cat people that Tommy's interested in and he's still in his wheelchair. Good times.

Plots etc = <3

-Tracy ^_^

Feb. 3rd, 2014


Hello, I am Tracy, this is Eames and he's going to fight with Jake for room in my headspace.

Eames is a forger, a Forger, a thief, he's English, he's an artist, darling, he's a lover, a sinner, he plays his music in the sun, he's a joker, a smoker, a midnight toker, and he doesn't want to hurt no-one. Unless you piss him off, so don't. :D Also, he likes tea, and don't we all?

PLOTS!?! Merci, mon petits choux!

<3, Tracy, Jake and Eames

Jan. 2nd, 2014


There's been a death in the family, so I don't know when/if I'll be online until probably Monday or so, which is when I think the funeral will be.

See you all whenever.


Dec. 13th, 2013


Intro - Jake Sully

Kaltxi, Na'viya, this is Jake and he's ten foot tall, blue, and a skxawng, according to the Lovely Missus *points at Neytiri*.

Here is his history, for those who have not seen the film. He comes from the end of the film. He's also got previous game history, so he's kind of used to all the primitive tech and the wide open spaces and plants being from Earth and all that. Also, he's been canon-punctured. He's seen Avatar, and hates it with a passion. If anyone even thinks of telling Neytiri about the film, he will go through them for a shortcut and then feed the bits to Banshee, so, uh, don't do that.

Plots/Comments are lovely :D