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Jan. 25th, 2014



The cyclone is hitting the Island now.

There will be extensive damage at Acoste. Some of the small cabins destroyed, the bakery loses its roof, the hall suffers extensive water damage, the beach bar is completely gone. The trawler is missing from the dock, having broken its moorings.

Plenty of broken windows, trees down, one shopfront, up near the square is smashed by a car that has been blown into the front of it.

While all buildings are intact there is no power. Some trees are down across the road.

Glen Haven

Jan. 20th, 2014


Sorry I know I've been crap, my insomnia's really bitten deep and it's left me in no shape, but I'm here now
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Jan. 14th, 2014


*cough* New pup - Det. John Kennex

OK, so I kinda forgot to intro John here, so uh, yeah, here's John?

He's from 'the City' and the year is 2048, the universe the one in 'Almost Human'. Crime is rising, tech is unregulated, so androids and bots are everywhere, and the criminals are all teched up. John was leading a raid on a major crime group, Insyndicate, when they were ambushed, and his partner and all the battlegroup were killed, John making it out without his right leg, and spending 17 months in a coma. Two years after the attack he returns to work, at the behest of his boss, despite him being diagnosed with depression, mental atrophy, trauma-onset OCD, PTSD, and the 'psychological rejection' of his syntethic body part (leg).

Other than that he's fine!

Oh, except his 'psychological rejection' of his body part is manifested in his intense dislike of 'droids, or synthetics as he calls them.

Anyway, John's arrived, so let's play.

Jan. 12th, 2014


New journal you will see around!

As we prepare to introduce plots and all sorts of good stuff, we've created this journal, the Crossings Chronicle. Some of the things you will see it posting will be:

- days
- weather reports
- 'news' ie; occurrences that might not have been seen or noticed
- anything else that might 'happen', like a the arrival of a large number of messages in bottles, or something...

Jan. 5th, 2014


New Character alert!

Hi everyone! Strider here with character #3, who will be familiar to some of you. Izzy Shaw, a techno witch from several previous games. She comes from a world where magic and technology co-existed and in some cases combined together, and is a trained electrical engineer as well as a mage.

I'm bringing her in from another pan fandom but earlier back in time, around late summer of last year so she won't remember some of the things others from that place would. I look forward to writing her with everyone!
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Jan. 2nd, 2014


There's been a death in the family, so I don't know when/if I'll be online until probably Monday or so, which is when I think the funeral will be.

See you all whenever.


Jan. 1st, 2014


From the future!

Happy new year! We're an hour into 2014 and I can tell you come on in, the water's fine!

Oh, and check out the Sydney fireworks - the best!

Dec. 30th, 2013




Welcome to all the new folk, it's great to have a variety of characters arriving and starting to poke around. Given that this is the craziest time of year in so many ways all over the world, we've been pretty laid back about the 'day' changes, to give everyone a chance to get to tags and arrivals and scenes etc. Basically the day changes are being indicated by Juliet's blog posts, ie; the one she just made is at the end of Day 6. This will continue for a little while, until we all settle back into the routine after new year, and we will start to rein in the timeframe a little to get closer to the 1 day GT (Game Time) = 2 days RT (Yeah, you guessed it, Real Time!).

Again, we want to make this easy for everyone to have some fun and get scenes completed, rather than having to handwave everything because of time zones and interruptions etc. Nothing worse than have a great scene that might take a few days to complete, where you can't really have your pup interacting during those following 'days' because the scene may change them, or their circumstances. The idea of RP is for the pups to play, not the muns to speculate! I know that so often I have tried to predict how a pup will react only to have them go and do something completely different when they're actually in the scene. So yeah, as this is a character development and plot development game, we want to scene!

So gotta fly, have fun and hope your pups enjoy!

Dec. 28th, 2013


Greetings once again. It's Misha. I joined a while back, but got sick and then Christmas and round two hit and...yeah. I failed to actually play my boys. And now I'm bringing in two new ones.

I'm putting Eliot on the shelf, Daryl's already in play, and the two new ones are brand new muses for me. While I was sick this past week, I mainlined all four seasons of Nikita, and picked up a couple muses along the way. This is Michael, he's former Navy Intelligence, and government covert ops/assassin/spy etc. He's not a bad guy, he's really one of the good guys, but you don't want to make him angry, because he tends to react with fists and guns.

The other is Sam Matthews, formerly known as Owen Elliot. Owen was a cleaner and a guardian for the same covert operations Michael worked for. As a cleaner, he killed people and cleaned the scene, thoroughly. As a guardian, he protected a black box that held information about the covert missions the Division carried out. But Owen was an alter ego, and he had no idea who he was or where he came from. His memories were restored and he once again became Sam Matthews, former Army, and ruthless killer. Sam struggles with the effects of being Owen for so long, and walks a fine line between making bad choices and doing the right thing. Sometimes he crosses over to one side or the's not always pretty.

It is late and I should sleep, so I will intro Mikey and Sam tomorrow. All three of my boys are available for plots and playtimes. <3

Dec. 27th, 2013


Hello. I'm Jed/s - some of you may know me. I have this problem with timelords living in my head and Loz is to blame for pointing me into the direction of this place.

Anyone, quick introduction for the boys (I promise not to prattle too much).

This is the Tenth Doctor, all relevant info is on his journal (otherwise I'll prattle) - for those who know 'Who', I'm bringing him from sometime between the end of 'Runaway Bride' and the start of 'Smith and Jones' - so he's an earlier Ten than I've played recently and still down from losing Rose to 'Pete's World'.

I've also brought Dr. John Theta Smith [info]doctor_jt_smith - aka Metacrisis Tenth Doctor. For those who don't know he was created from the Doctor's spare hand - again all relevant info in his journal. He's coming from a year after 'Journey's End', so he is partly AU due to this, as nobody knows what he (and Rose) have been getting up to in Pete's World since the Doctor left them on the beach, so that's all made up by me (and Loz).

Anyway, that's enough from me. Nice to be here :)
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Dec. 25th, 2013


Merry Christmas one and all!

Dec. 24th, 2013


Merry Christmas guys, have a good one

Dec. 21st, 2013


Hey, it's Loz bringing Faith over. Most of you already know me so...hi!

Also can someone please make me a bloody Dean here! My cross fandom ship, she is sinking

Rose is also here, but she's on a different timeline, so she's not going to know anyone. I'm holding her back until Jed's sorted out the boys

Cathy- Morgan!!
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Dec. 20th, 2013


Greetings, one and all. Misha here, joining with Daryl Dixon (Walking Dead) and Eliot Spencer (Leverage). Daryl is current though the S4 midseason finale, and Eliot is series compliant. As for me I am getting over the flu and I've pushed myself a bit too hard today with the Christmas shopping and such, so I'm going to hold off intro'ing the boys till tomorrow, but I wanted to say hello in the OOC, at least.

I am a teacher, I work with special ed kids in 4th and 5th grade. I'm officially on winter break, so I'm off work till January 6. I normally have no daytime availability because I can't sit on the computer at work. But I've got two weeks to sit here and play so...hi! <3

Dec. 14th, 2013


Sorry, everyone. XD Annie's weird.


Hi all,

I'm Lauren and this is my muse, Elena Gilbert. She is just from the mid-season finale and a little bit upset about what she just experienced during it. She's a vampire, hailing from Mystic Falls, Virginia. She's kind, compassionate, loyal, and protective of those she considers friends. She has an undying need to see the good in people always and to try and understand why people do things. She's empathetic in that way. She's a college student, too.

I work five days a week, 7:30-3:30 mostly, but my times can shift depending on when I get to work and if I take an hour long lunch or just 30 minutes. I do have internet access from my phone and at work on my computer. I can access InsaneJournal, too. I do tag while I'm at work, but I try to keep it to a minimal because work is well work and not play time. I do tag net posts a lot, but longer tags may have to wait till I get home. I get home around 5 or 5:30. It depends on traffic, but it's always an hour drive. I try to tag every night, but I'm not always successful at this. If I don't tag back for a day or two, feel free to poke me and remind me, but I keep the tags active in my e-mail so I can work on them. I'm trying not to drop threads so much anymore either. :( We'll see how I do.

I can't wait to play with you all and plot.


Dec. 13th, 2013


Intro - Jake Sully

Kaltxi, Na'viya, this is Jake and he's ten foot tall, blue, and a skxawng, according to the Lovely Missus *points at Neytiri*.

Here is his history, for those who have not seen the film. He comes from the end of the film. He's also got previous game history, so he's kind of used to all the primitive tech and the wide open spaces and plants being from Earth and all that. Also, he's been canon-punctured. He's seen Avatar, and hates it with a passion. If anyone even thinks of telling Neytiri about the film, he will go through them for a shortcut and then feed the bits to Banshee, so, uh, don't do that.

Plots/Comments are lovely :D


Intro - Neytiri

And now to introduce Neytiri, though if you've seen Avatar you basically know the character.

She's Na'vi from Pandora, which means she's about 9½' tall, blue, and a little wary of humans. The Avatar wiki page gives more details, if you need them.

The only additional information is that she has spent some time in a place where she became a little more used to humans, and their technology and ways, with Jake, Banshee and Seze (their ikran). She also spent nearly a month in tawtute (human) form, so has a bit better understanding of the limitations, and believes Eywa did this to teach her to better understand Jake's world before he became a 'dream walker', then Na'vi.

She is still a warrior, hunter, and prefers to be in the jungle, but is a little more tolerant of humans now. Just don't do anything to Jake, cuz yeah, he's her 'skxawng'!


Intro - Juliet Winters

Howdy there. Here's the 'skinny' on Juliet.

She's an OC Slayer from Buffyverse, created for a game where the canon was adjusted to allow Nine.

She grew up in a wealthy family in Chicago, a mother who was a drunken socialite, and a father who doted on her, but never took his wife to task on her drinking, or using of Juliet as a 'trophy child'. Her brother, Grayson, was ostracized by her mother when he came out, and was consequently killed. She only learned about her 'Slayer' role when she was about 16, having been a high-performing gymnast, then ballet dancer (was going to Juilliard until she realised her mother would use that again to boast to her friends) and took up pole dancing, because not only did she love it, but she wanted to see her mother tell all her high society friends about that!

She's a little on the hyperactive side, shoots from the hip, doesn't tolerate fools, or liars, and is almost an insomniac, but does sleep for a long time when she has gone for a few days without it. She of course has all the physical strengths of a Slayer, and can sense a vampire, or demon-type being.

Any questions or plot ideas, let me know!

Dec. 12th, 2013


Hi! This is sAmmii, and I think I know most of you?

This is Annie Cresta-Odair, from the Hunger Games. She's a sweet girl, if a bit crazy. She's the victor of the 70th Games, but kind of lost it after seeing her District Partner beheaded in front of her.

She's coming from towards the end of Mockingjay - she's just married Finnick and she's very, very early in her pregnancy (so early she doesn't even know yet). She's up for plots for anyone who can deal with someone who isn't entirely sane.

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