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December 13th, 2013

[info]winters__heat in [info]tsc_ooc

Intro - Juliet Winters

Howdy there. Here's the 'skinny' on Juliet.

She's an OC Slayer from Buffyverse, created for a game where the canon was adjusted to allow Nine.

She grew up in a wealthy family in Chicago, a mother who was a drunken socialite, and a father who doted on her, but never took his wife to task on her drinking, or using of Juliet as a 'trophy child'. Her brother, Grayson, was ostracized by her mother when he came out, and was consequently killed. She only learned about her 'Slayer' role when she was about 16, having been a high-performing gymnast, then ballet dancer (was going to Juilliard until she realised her mother would use that again to boast to her friends) and took up pole dancing, because not only did she love it, but she wanted to see her mother tell all her high society friends about that!

She's a little on the hyperactive side, shoots from the hip, doesn't tolerate fools, or liars, and is almost an insomniac, but does sleep for a long time when she has gone for a few days without it. She of course has all the physical strengths of a Slayer, and can sense a vampire, or demon-type being.

Any questions or plot ideas, let me know!

[info]neytirisc in [info]tsc_ooc

Intro - Neytiri

And now to introduce Neytiri, though if you've seen Avatar you basically know the character.

She's Na'vi from Pandora, which means she's about 9½' tall, blue, and a little wary of humans. The Avatar wiki page gives more details, if you need them.

The only additional information is that she has spent some time in a place where she became a little more used to humans, and their technology and ways, with Jake, Banshee and Seze (their ikran). She also spent nearly a month in tawtute (human) form, so has a bit better understanding of the limitations, and believes Eywa did this to teach her to better understand Jake's world before he became a 'dream walker', then Na'vi.

She is still a warrior, hunter, and prefers to be in the jungle, but is a little more tolerant of humans now. Just don't do anything to Jake, cuz yeah, he's her 'skxawng'!

[info]skxawng_ in [info]tsc_ooc

Intro - Jake Sully

Kaltxi, Na'viya, this is Jake and he's ten foot tall, blue, and a skxawng, according to the Lovely Missus *points at Neytiri*.

Here is his history, for those who have not seen the film. He comes from the end of the film. He's also got previous game history, so he's kind of used to all the primitive tech and the wide open spaces and plants being from Earth and all that. Also, he's been canon-punctured. He's seen Avatar, and hates it with a passion. If anyone even thinks of telling Neytiri about the film, he will go through them for a shortcut and then feed the bits to Banshee, so, uh, don't do that.

Plots/Comments are lovely :D