Feb. 26th, 2010


* [info]marinasylum's february HMD; days 48-51

Yoite's restraints came off at the beginning of the month, so they had their customary breakfast together to celebrate only that he came to her this time. His sickness started acting up though and it scared her a little because gah, do not die you stubborn little kid. So she asked for a healer for him and all was good in the end. Also met Souji, then later made plans with Adachi to do something together on the next day Senti hosts an event like the one it had for Children's Day. She has a talk with Aidou about why he blew off their plans without saying anything so she's a bit upset over and lays low for most of the next day, coming out only to find that he left her the promised pendant. Bakes and has a chat with a few people, then signs Kanda and herself up for the dating auction. Helps Miranda shop for dresses, auction hijinks happen, then chats with Naoya and going to take him tea for his headache. Also found out that Aidou wasn't in Marina anymore and. Got very sad.


Mmm. Possible thread with Road once me and Yaywon get crankin'. Maybe talk to Komui about letting Yoite stay with them for a while because he's living alone and she doesn't like the thought of him having another attack while by himself.

Jan. 29th, 2010


[info]marinasylum's january HMD; days 44-47

What Lenalee did in January:

Timothy arrived! That made her happy (yet sad because he's so young boo) because Exorcists > Noah right now. Met Minako. Went to the Pet Cafe with Aidou and they had heartfelt conversation and she realized just how much she likes him/why he's one of her best friends. Cooked with Teito. Got bitchslapped by Rido, had to cuddle up to older brother to fall asleep that night. MET YOITE ♥ Best friend she's met at Marina #2. Adopted a kitten and named it Anita. Gave Aidou a gift after they'd talked about being bffs4ever no matter what and played in the snow with him. Then came the cat ears! Silly older brother. Met a few more people, Rido sent her a gift, and it all ended with Kanda spending the night with her and following her around the following day. Planned a spar with Kanda. Had breakfast with him and Allen, then popped in at the beach in her search for Komui and found him with Ammy.