Reawakened from the dream the devil had put them under, the trinity awoke to a new world. A world ruled by the devil.

Rules had been rewritten, and the veil between realities was thinning. Both allies, and enemies crossed between. Who will you be?

Posts Tagged: 'tom+mcnair'

Apr. 26th, 2017



[No Subject]

So about that dragon..any chance there's a dungeon around here to crawl?

Apr. 24th, 2017



[No Subject]

So uh?

Anyone feel like grillin up some dragon?

End of civilization and all, you gotta think meat is meat, right?



[No Subject]

It might be apparent that Dragons and I do not get along. Long story, family arguments and the like.

Still, you all conducted yourselves well, is everyone quite recovered?

Apr. 11th, 2017



[No Subject]

You might all wanna be extra careful tonight, it's a full moon. And, most werewolves can't keep control like I can. And, there's no telling how many are around the city tonight.

Most of us lock ourselves up, or go into the woods with a chicken. But, some have been recruiting. So, you never know what they know.

Umm, also. Can someone keep an eye out on reception while I'm busy? In case someone arrives.

Apr. 10th, 2017



Backdated to yesterday

Last time I checked that many dead bodies isn't exactly normal or anything that happened surrounding those dead bodies. Is that something we should be expecting around here?

Apr. 5th, 2017



[No Subject]

Okay, so I think the arrivals have slowed down a bit. Sorry that we ain't been able to tell you much.

Anyway, so I'm Tom. I'm one of the locals here. And, there's also Hal, Alex, Annie and Hetty around. Umm, Alex isn't around right now. She's checking out the rest of the world. But, when she gets back, I'm sure she'll say hello and all.

Umm, we'd like to invite you all to the conference room downstairs tomorrow around noon. And then, we can tell you everything that happened. And, what we reckon we need to do about it. Then, I guess you can decide what you wanna do from there.

Sorry, we still dunno how to get you home. But, maybe the magic people could think of summat?

Apr. 2nd, 2017



[No Subject]

And I thought being stuck in a parallel universe was dull. Is there something in particular we can do here? Any help needed?

Apr. 1st, 2017



[No Subject]

So hey post apocalyptic British people? Do you guys have Smores? I want Smores.

We should go all out, have a bonfire. It'll be all getting to know you and everything!

Mar. 26th, 2017



[No Subject]

Alright. I think I spoke to most of you when you got here, and all. But, I figured I should actually intorduce meself on here. So, umm I'm Tom McNair, one of the natives to this world. And, as Hal so delightfully told you all already. I'm a werewolf. So, don't go in the basement during a full moon.

Anyway, more and more people seem to be coming through. And, we never know when or 'owt. So, I were wondering if anyone would be willing to take turns on the desk, like. I can show you where everything is on the computer, and how to cut the keys and stuff.

Mar. 24th, 2017



[No Subject]

I've been here for a few days now and I don't seem to be waking up anywhere different, so hi, I'm Allison. [...] Are there a lot of people from the Agency here?



[No Subject]

Hey, what's the big idea? Where did my puddin go?