Reawakened from the dream the devil had put them under, the trinity awoke to a new world. A world ruled by the devil.

Rules had been rewritten, and the veil between realities was thinning. Both allies, and enemies crossed between. Who will you be?

Posts Tagged: '%21netpost'

Apr. 30th, 2017



[No Subject]

Are the ghosts still here? I haven't seen anyone I know so I don't know if they're still here.
Tags: ,

Apr. 26th, 2017



[No Subject]

These ghosts people are seeing, we're not thinking they're going to be a permanent fixture here are we?

Please tell me you're not being haunted by some ghost from the past.



[No Subject]

I have discovered a cocktail called the Fizzlebub. We need to try it!



[No Subject]

Man, you know. I miss Sam. And, he's probably tearing up the world back home, trying to find me. Mom too.

But, one thing this place has give me. The chance to see Bobby again. And, I'll take being called an "Idjit" any day of the week over pretty much anything else. He was family. And, there ain't nothing more important.

Now, that's enough emotional crap from me. I'm gonna find me some pie.



[No Subject]

So, I guess there really is a first for everything.

Not the Red Skull trying to kill me. But, his ghost. That's a first.



[No Subject]

So about that dragon..any chance there's a dungeon around here to crawl?

Apr. 25th, 2017



[No Subject]

How is she here? It's impossible-

Alex killed her.



[No Subject]

Katherine's here.



[No Subject]

For a moment, I thought we had ghosts like me, but these are not normal ghosts. I don't really know what to make of this situation.

If you don't mind me asking, who has seen someone they know? If you have, and you don't mind answering who are you seeing and what's the relationship you share with them or how do you know them? I want to keep track of this little issue and try to figure out what bloody hell caused this issue.

[Filtered to Hal and Tom]

Are you guys seeing all these random people showing up? If not, then I'm correct on them not being normal.

Apr. 24th, 2017



[No Subject]

This was the last thing I needed. I can't do this....I can't deal with Lars around. I failed him last time.

I think I might go have some target practice, blowing off some steam for a bit and clear my head.



[No Subject]

Not at all surprised that my mother found a way to ruin my day by showing up. Besides being hurt, now I have to deal with a certain bitch deciding to show up to try and haunt me or make me feel guilt or whatever. Is there a way to make them go away? Even better if it's something painful for them.



[No Subject]

[[Team Salvatore and Kol]

Father is here. He was following me, but I think I lost him. Thread carefully, all of you.



[No Subject]

I saw my father. He's here. How is this possible?



[No Subject]

I just realised I never introduced myself. I'm Mon-El from the planet of Daxam. It's actually quite refreshing to be able to be up front about that.



[No Subject]

I don't know about you lot. But, that was the most stressful experience I've ever experienced. And, I need a drink. Many of them. Anyone joining me?

Please tell me I don't have to work today, and I can relax and have a drink?

Apr. 23rd, 2017



[No Subject]

Well. This is an interesting situation.

Apr. 22nd, 2017



[No Subject]

Yeah, having my abilities messed with earlier was no fun. It hurt worse than anything I've felt...aside from kryptonite.



[No Subject]

Bloody hell. I just saw a dragon fly across the sky.

Apr. 21st, 2017



[No Subject]

Is there anything I can do to help anyone? I've seen so many people talking about powers and missing people and I feel a bit useless. Are things solved?

Apr. 20th, 2017



[No Subject]

So, uh. Do you guys have things that chargrill whole cows before eating them?