Reawakened from the dream the devil had put them under, the trinity awoke to a new world. A world ruled by the devil.

Rules had been rewritten, and the veil between realities was thinning. Both allies, and enemies crossed between. Who will you be?

Apr. 23rd, 2017



[No Subject]

So here's the thing.

You all got your abilities drained right? And it stung like a bitch.

Well it was me, sort of, it was the devil basically using me like a goddamn battery. Normally I siphon, I get a boost to my ability to do magic and it is, frankly, awesome. But believe it or not, this time I genuinely didn't mean to.

But I don't know where the power went. You have it back but the power I took, I don't know where it went.

Managed to get away, eventually, like I'm only just back at the hotel kind of eventually but that. That happened.

Sorry or whatever.

[Team Mystic]

Believe me or don't but how about we figure out where all that power went.

How about it Bonster, a team up with absolutely no treachery.



(after the dragon fight)

Well, that was fun.

Glad healing trances are a thing.

Star Wars + Friends
Is everyone okay?



(after the dragon fight)


Officially not loving dragons.

Everyone okay?



(after the dragon fight)

Well, that was fun.

Everyone okay? I know some healing spells if anyone needs help.



(before the dragon hunt)

No rest for the wicked, yo.

In case you guys didn't notice, there's a dragon. We gotta make it go away before someone gets hurt. Well, before someone else does. Never fought a dragon before but there's a first time for everything.

Who's in?

Posted via Journaler.



(before the dragon hunt)

If those doors are taking requests, now would be a bloody fantastic time for Charlie Weasley to show up.

Bloody dragons.

Posted via Journaler.



MCU (Not Hand) & Friends

...So...I'm guessing there's no good way for me to say anything to Victoria Hand.

With her it's complicated. I took the only option I had. I'm sorry she had to die but I...

The hell do I do?



[No Subject]

Well. This is an interesting situation.

Apr. 22nd, 2017



[No Subject]

Yeah, having my abilities messed with earlier was no fun. It hurt worse than anything I've felt...aside from kryptonite.



[No Subject]

Bloody hell. I just saw a dragon fly across the sky.

Apr. 21st, 2017



[No Subject]

Is there anything I can do to help anyone? I've seen so many people talking about powers and missing people and I feel a bit useless. Are things solved?

Apr. 20th, 2017



[No Subject]

So, uh. Do you guys have things that chargrill whole cows before eating them?

Apr. 19th, 2017



Filtered to Kol

Kol Mikaelson how dare you disappear on me like that and leave me here without any friends or anyone who bloody well cares about me!

Apr. 17th, 2017



[No Subject]

Abilities seemed to have returned, is anyone missing them still? Is the only problem going on right now the missing people still?



[No Subject]

Seems my roommate has gone missing. Little sad, I was in the mood to do something, but yeah, that isn't happening. Ginger, you around and up for doing something?



[No Subject]

Thanks fuck that whatever the hell that was has stopped.

I'm off to find cigarettes. If you want to come with. Meet me downstairs in five. Don't be boring.



(003) Anakin Solo

[Filter: Tahiri]
It occurs to me that we should probably make an announcement more publicly than just family, considering we're thinking about a wedding here. And there are a few people who remember us from before.

Do you want to do that, or should I?



plot filter: down the rabbit hole

Hey, no fair. Where did the bunny go? I can't find him anywhere...

Oh wait! Is that a tea party?

Apr. 16th, 2017



[No Subject]

Okay, so how many people are we missing? I know there's a couple but maybe we should make a list and see if maybe there is anything linking them at all.

[Private to Ward]
I'm just glad you didn't go missing on me. Is it wrong of me to basically want you by my side at the moment?



[No Subject]

Has anyone seen Katie? I haven't seen her since yesterday morning.