December 8th, 2016



Trial 1 - shopping spree

I was told to pick things. I found that more interesting than anything else, as if the task was to see if we would define ourselves by what we picked out. If given a chance a stack of free things, what would anyone take? A lot, a little, too much, not enough? Something practical? Something fancy? Something useful? Or just something funky looking?

Would anyone dare to redefine themselves with the options they found? Biker guy goes to posh businessman? Grunge girl turns prom queen? Anyone? Probably not. People are forever looking for a way to blend in, to not to be noticed and not voted off the island. That’s an actual strategy you know.

Still, I found the whole thing very intriguing. I found some things, then some more things, then eventually I had too many things, but I didn’t want to put them back. Because who knows when they might be useful. When they might be interesting. Or when one wants to wear a cocktail dress to a hike.

a wardrobe )



Clothing choices

It wasn't as if they wouldn't let us bring our own things, right? So it did come as quite a surprise when they announced that our first 'task' was to pick a whole new wardrobe.

I admit, there was part of my that re-exammined my fashion choices. I'd like to think they're not that bad. Not the most exciting of picks, but I'm a baker, not a model. I have always dressed for comfort and movement, rather than making the most of what I've been given.

However, resigned to the fact that I was going to need to do this (does anyone know what the result is if we don't complete a given task?), I went and picked out some more things.

First off - how difficult is it to choose clothes when you already feel like you have enough? And when you know you'll be moving around and that 'packing light' might be something you're asked to do in the future.

I've picked up a decent pair of walking boots though - order of the day, break those puppies in. Nothing worse than brand new shoes to cripple you for life. Socks of various types to go with - again, same reason. Look after your feet and you're half way there.

Couple of pairs of trousers - one that would survive the outdoors, then a really nice pair that would normally be way out of my price range for if we have to do anything posh. Shirt and waistcoat to go with for the same reason (no jacket - too bulky. See above re: packing light).

Then a couple of warm looking jumpers that aren't too thick, some t-shirts. Oh, and a really waterproof jacket.

Last but not least - swimwear. Because I've seen that pool out there and realised that I didn't bring any with me.



Journal Entry - Wardrobe Choices

I spent a good month debating my clothing choices before coming here, well aware that this was the biggest exposure my own fashion line would get. Many of the pieces I brought are my own, but I also recognize that they aren't appropriate for every occasion. One doesn't always need a party dress and flashy wedges. But I'd like to think I had my wardrobe well covered prior to this exercise. Granted, there were also some items that just took up too much space in my suitcase. Would I really need clothing appropriate for freezing weather? A gown appropriate for a black tie event? That just seemed silly. No matter how much I was allowed to bring, I couldn't bring everything. With my own selections narrowed down, I thought I was covered.

And yet, I think I've doubled my wardrobe today. I can't possibly list out everything without this becoming ridiculously boring, so I'll try to cover the highlights.

I might have gone overboard )