December 9th, 2016



forum post

I just discovered this forum, and figured since we're all going to be living together for the next twenty four weeks, we should introduce ourselves somewhere? I realize some of you out there have probably done this already, but I think I came in a day late so consider this me trying to get up to speed.

Hi, I'm Tuesday. I'm thirty two. I own a little occult/new age store in Greenwich Village, selling odds and ends for rituals and so on, and I do tarot card readings out of my back room. I actually brought my cards with me, if anyone's interested? Oh, and I have a cat, his name's Orion, and he thinks he's totally ferocious and imposing. He's not. He's basically a mewling pile of inky black fuzz. (He's just a baby.)

Anyone fancy a dinner sometime this week? I'm pretty good in the kitchen and I don't mind making a meal for everyone. Of course, if there's a professional chef in the mix here, I'm not trying to tread on any toes, just making an offer!