November 2nd, 2012

[info]transition_mods in [info]transition_rpg

24 Hour Warning

The game week will change tomorrow! Please placeholder any scenes for this week that haven't been posted yet to hold their place.

[info]moonsdarkside in [info]transition_rpg

Let me go, you don't need me baby

Who: Xander and Chrissy
What: Plans to leave it all behind
When: Several weeks ago
Where: Forks, Washington
Warnings: A smidge of language

Let me go, take me with you baby )

[info]kadeydid in [info]transition_rpg

Placey place holder

[info]chasingdarkness in [info]transition_rpg

Spider-man and the beautiful rockstar

Who: Eva and Patrick
What: Not quite a date date. Right? Maybe.
When: Friday Afternoon - 1/04/2013
Where: City park
Warning: None

I feel like I won the jackpot )

[info]downlanes in [info]transition_rpg

Who: Gwen Tennyson and Andrew Lane
When: January 4, 2013.
Where: The local coffee shop.
What: Andrew is new to town and scoping the place out. He runs into Gwen.
Rating: Can't imagine it'll get higher than PG, but I'll update if I'm wrong.

The trip down from the old homestead in search of family had been good practice, and now that he was in Supernatural Central, he felt absolutely confident that he could fake being semi-local. )