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The Last Enemy - OOC

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[04 Jan 2008|05:36pm]

Hey, guys! Lily here! Just wanted to let you know two things.

1) I changed my AIM name hoping that it stops screwing up my comp. I'm now at BoxesofPearls, so add me!

2) I'm going to have to take a hiatus. Hell week just sprung up for my show and I will be very scarce. I may be able to do replies, but starting threads are not possible for a good week. I'll be around a little bit, though.
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[03 Jan 2008|02:29pm]

Okay, my hiatus is going to be cut short because plans changed and I am not going to Chicago.

I also have realized I haven't been as active as I would like and so I am think it would be best to cut to only one character so I can soley focus on her.

So I want to put up a poll as to who you would rather still see here:

Comment with Andie if you want Andie to stay and comment with Hestia if you want Hestia to stay.
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[01 Jan 2008|02:38pm]
Reallly sorry for the inactivity lately. Christmas and all, my sister just got married, and New Years. And now... I'm getting sick. Lovely. But I'll be catching up on stuff today, until the 8th, when I can hopefully go back to school on the 9th. This depends on our Professors not going on strike. -sigh- Anyways, sorry again. If anyone needs Ron or Ted right now at the top of their heads, just leave a message to me!

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[31 Dec 2007|02:46am]

Hey gais!

Joy here. I've just snatched up the '97 version of Bellatrix Lestrange. I'm very excited about playing her and equally as excited about her PB. I can't help it. I'm in love with Free Dominguez as Bellatrix because she's so damn ugly and odd looking.

Anyway. Bella's info is up in her userinfo if you are interested. Kat and I worked on Bella's history together so it's definitely a collaborative effort. I see a lot of threads between Sirius and Bellatrix in my future because I enjoy playing with myself. =P Not like that, pervs!

Any plotty goodness, backhistory, fun good times? Lemme know.
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[29 Dec 2007|02:49pm]

Okay I have been very busy recently with holidays, work and getting ready for my 4 day trip to Chicago.

I need a hiatus until Jan 7th. All my trips, parties and stuff will be over by then and I can concentrate on this group.

I love you all and I will be back then!

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[26 Dec 2007|06:38pm]

Hi evarbody!

I'm Joy and I just picked up Sirius Black. I think I know a whole lot of you already, so hi! And to those of you who don't know me? Hi to you too! I'm [info]joy at LJ, GJ and IJ if you want to add me anywhere or figure out who the heck I am. =D

Um. Right. So. Sirius' app is in his journal if you want to size him up. I know you've had at least one Sirius mun before so I wanted to ask about backhistory? Basically, is there anything your character would like to keep with this new Sirius? I'm usually down to keep whatever; I'm easy!

I also wanted to ask about possible past/current relationships. Sirius is kind of a love'em and leave'em guy, but I could see one girl in particular really snagging his heart. So is anyone up for past relationships, future relationships, general awesomeness? I was hoping for a Greta Catchlove, but I'm not sure if the game has one of those!

Um. Um. Anything else I forgot? I dunno! I'm excited to be here. =D

OH! DUH! Contact info. You can contact me via AIM at FieldzOfJoy or via e-mail at
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[21 Dec 2007|08:15am]

[ mood | amused ]


I totally meant to do this yesterday, sorry. This is Susan, she's Hufflepuff, very quiet and shy. There's all sorts of info on her in her profile, if you need a more detailed look, but anyway, she's going to be super nice to everyone. She's very shy though, so outside of some of the members in the DA, and the Hufflepuffs, Susan's not going to make much of a fuss. She's really excited to see her family though.

Anyway, if anyone wants to plot, or work out relationships, that would be fab :)


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[20 Dec 2007|07:23pm]

Since I play Daphne at lots of other groups this really interested me!

Apparently Draco married Daphne's younger sister Astoria. I can see Daphne's parents naming a child Astoria though my Daphne has NO younger sister.

A few other questions are answered as well if you are all curious.
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[20 Dec 2007|05:58pm]

Hey you guys!

Sorry I have been sparce here lately.  I have had work lately and I have been busy with other things.

OH GOOD NEWS! I FINALLY ACTUALLY GRADUATED COLLEGE! I got a 3.3 in neurobiology which means I am done with college!

Ohh and I love finding out stuff bout your character by watching tv. I was watching this special on vh1 classic on the history of rock music. I have since learned that Hestia is a HUGEEEEE fan of The Who and loves The Rolling Stones, The Velvet Underground, The Kinks and Cream to  name just a few.  hehe
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[20 Dec 2007|04:04am]

Considering that I play Bill, I thought this was kind of funny. I found this in my personal journal from 2005!

Your Harry Potter Wedding by shimmerbaby
Soon to be:Mrs Bill Weasley
How he proposed:By Owl post...
Maid of honour:Luna
Objections:*Crackle* ... His best friend apparated in front of you, kissed you passionately and disappeared.
The outcome:You lived "Happily Ever After".
Quiz created with MemeGen!
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[19 Dec 2007|01:26pm]

Hey guys, this is a hiatus post for Lauren.

Her parents took away her wireless so she's without internet until furthur notice. She apologizes profusely and will get back on as soon as she can, we just don't know when that will be.

Any questions on what Remus is doing can be directed to me and I'll talk to her about it.

Sorry again!
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[19 Dec 2007|02:18am]
[ mood | mellow ]

Even though I've already told one of the mods I was going to be leaving, I thought it would be polite to make a post anyhow.

I thought I'd be able to balance two games, but my other RP (located here, if anyone's curious) has shown itself to be a lot more involved than originally thought. If anyone's looking for a second game, I highly recommend it. I have an unbelievable amount of respect for our players, many of which take a basic personality and add onto it until there character is not just round, but dynamic. The same can be said of this RP. As such, I don't feel it's fair to either game to be a mediocre player. So, it is with my deepest regrets that I must stick with the RP I was first involved in and am more established in rather than one I have only just joined.

On top of that, I have a lot of real life issues to deal with. My mother is bipolar and has been going through a bit of a maniac state lately. We took her to the hospital not long ago and, while she's starting to calm down, I still feel like I should devote more time to her. On top of that, my grandmother passed away this morning, so I would have been gone for virtually all of this week and perhaps some of the next week. With my grandmother's death it became apparent that the stress of balancing two games simply would not work with my schedule as the same neglect would occur every couple of weeks, if not sooner.

It has been a pleasure talking to so many of you -- the welcome was extraordinary! I especially enjoyed the (incredibly brief) thread (can you call a journal responses that?) I had with this games' James. In my other game, I have exchanged a grand total of perhaps three sentences with our James and have yet to speak to him out of character. If I'm correct, this is at least the third James we've had -- we lose James's like Harry Potter loses Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers, only monthly instead of yearly.

So, with a last bitter farewell, I must say: So long and thanks for all the fish.

-Fin, the player formally known as 'Sirius Business Black'

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[17 Dec 2007|01:34pm]

I'm kinda late with the introduction, but i just got the hang of things recently.... I'm Aira, and i'll be playing Lisa Turpin. She doesn't have any affiliations, but hopefully in time she'll choose her side. I did a major change on her, and if you'd want to know her better you can check out her journal.. XD

oh yeah, i can be sought out at AIM, episkysanct is my id... shout out if you need little ol' Lisa to join.

and seeing that she doesn't have any solid history in the book, i'd like to ask all Ravenclaws if they'd be her friend... Well, even those in other houses, like in their year and all. My Lisa would appreciate them so much, she doesn't want to be left alone now... :O
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[15 Dec 2007|05:58pm]

Our family ended up getting up late so we did not go anywhere this weekend.


I already posted Hestia in the rp and if Caitlin is around I think we get the Narcissa/Andie rp up. I just need to see the old one and see if anything needs to be changed.

Oh and Jules, we can rp Ted/Andie after I get the Narcissa/Andie up put up and such.
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Back in Black [14 Dec 2007|01:58pm]
I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. I'm Fin and play the 1970s era Sirius Black.

I accept all forms of praise, including donations of apple butter and comic books. I'd love to get to know all of you!

AIM: Televisedgods (say you're from The Last Enemy!)
E-mail: (put the subject line as From The Last Enemy!)
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[12 Dec 2007|10:02pm]

I forgot who told me about the icons page of Axl Rose. Can someone help me find more icons of him please?
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[12 Dec 2007|12:29am]
So yeah... didn't second intro yet, or do much updating yet, but I'll do that now!

Tis Jules, still with Ted Tonks (1978) and Ron Weasley (1997)! Aim is still corbexx so ping, poke, bug whatever you need to get my attention for threads or whatever xD!
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[11 Dec 2007|04:36pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]

Hokay; I'd really like to make sure I don't get lost in the shuffle this time.Though I figured I may as well say hello again :)

I'm Bee; 23 and general not that interesting. I have a crappy schedule, so I'm not generally online when everyone else is. Anyway, I play Mandy Brocklehurst and Parvati Patil ([info]vati). Vati's DA, Mandy is unforunately not. Mandy would talk loads to anyone who's remotely intellectual, more specifically nearly all Ravenclaws and a handful of Slytherins plus Hermione. Parvati loves her clothing, and fashion and stuff :) Oh,m and she''s really quite flirty XD I'd really like to work out some stuff for both Mandy and Parvati; or just talk to people! AIM's mandy nott lilly :)

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[11 Dec 2007|11:14am]

Hello everyone! i have not posted here yet because I had about 6+ other journals to move over and I had a LONNNNGGGG day at work yesterday but yes Ana is here.

I am still playing Andromeda Tonks (1978) and Hestia Jones (1998).

I am happy I am playing Hestia at the beginning b/c I can rp her in her time  period and how she really is. So Lexi, can we rp Tonks/Hestia sometime soon?  I am happy to give her a new start. She needs more male friends though!!!

Oh and I rather liked the Andromeda making up with Narcissa bit from before if you still want to keep that storyline, Caitlyn?

If you have any new plot ideas  for my two girls let me know!!

My aim is still spiceSchick.
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