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OOC Community for TiberiusSwann

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[29 May 2010|12:21am]
I have a request for a new chara! I'd really like it if we had a new member to the security team. Calvin left, and Garrett might leave. Is anyone interested in making a new security person? And just because I'd enjoy the eyecandy, I'd love the pb to be either Colin Farrell or Jason Statham. But, a female guard would be nice too, so long as she looks tough and capable of such a job (no tiny girls without muscles). Let me know if you're interested and we could plot something.
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New Character [29 May 2010|08:36am]

Meet Ipsy. Roger's new personality.

She will not be near as huge a plot as Dante was (meaning she will not overtake his life or get her own body/journal eventually), but she should be a fun one. For starters, she's a she!

Anyone wants to meet Ipsy, let me know!
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Jacqui Character Update [29 May 2010|12:51pm]
Okay, so summer break is approaching (both in game and IRL), so let's all share what our kids are doing over break! And maybe what we're doing as well, if it's pertinent.

GODRIC: He's living in his Big Gay House (which is rapidly emptying apparently) with all his roommates and the like. There are a shitload of rooms in the place, so if anyone needs refuge over break or needs to drunkly stumble someplace safe, feel free to impose.

FISHER: If it wasn't obvious already, Fisher takes over my brain and makes me incapable of playing other people. So I am kicking him out for the summer! He's taking off this Saturday, so if you wanna play with him this is your last shot for awhile. He'll be available for texting/phone convos, but no scenes or anything. (Except w/ Rez, who might come with him.)

LYLE: Lyle is staying in Danvers in the Big Gay House with Peyton.

DANTE: Dante has been called away on "assignment" in Tucson, AZ. He took Erin with him and he'll be gone for at least 2 1/2 weeks. He can do phone convos/texts in the meantime.

ROGER: Roger is living in the Big Gay House and he has developed a new alter! That'll be a good time.

MANDY: She is leaving for the summer, splitting her time between staying at Ophelia's summer house in Virginia and living back in Seattle with her mom, and probably visiting her newfound Uncle Jonah.

ELLE: Probably staying in Danvers. I need to figure out what the heck to do with her.

GARRET: STAYING! Definitely for the summer, probably for longer though.

BLUE: Staying because Daddy wants her to "settle down", which will not happen. For a good time, call. ;)

ALSO!!! Secrets are due by Tuesday! Gives you the weekend to do them. Like last year, if you need help (like someone who has Photoshop), you can ask me to craft them for you. I do a damn good job if I may say so. ^_^
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[29 May 2010|12:54pm]
I have a three day weekend this week which means I'll be around a lot more and up for some plottage! Have any threads, AIMs or anything you wanna do with any of my kids? Let me know!

Once again, my kiddos are:

Matt ([info]pipelinesurfer)
Kim ([info]conflicted)
Vinnie ([info]start_me_up)
Ana ([info]geminana)

Aaaaaand go!

EDIT: I just now saw Jacqui's chara update, so here goes mine.. though it's kinda subject to change since some of my charas don't have what they're doing set in stone just yet.

Matt: He's probably gonna drive back home to Florida for the summer since he hasn't been here long enough yet to develop roots and a need/want to stay. Maybe he'll do a road trip kinda thing. Who knows. No matter what, he'll at least be available for AIM convos.

Kim: She's getting a place with Starbuck in Boston and she'll be taking summer classes at Boston College while working. Trips are probably in the cards for them too since we know they love to visit new places. She'll also be going out of her way to help plan Kamea's birthday party which will be an adventure in itself since she's not very domestic at all. Heh. During the full moons, she'll be running with Sydni, Mikhail and Jason since she doesn't wanna go out and be on her own.

Vinnie: He wants to go home to Chicago cuz he misses his family, but he doesn't wanna leave Frankie all on her own so they might be getting a place near school over the summer as well. If Kindle still wants in on it, I have a feeling it'll be the three of them. If not, he and Frankie might end up living with Kim and Starbuck. Vinnie's still gonna be working at the diner, but will also be working at a summer soccer camp as an instructor.

Ana: She definitely wants to get the hell out of Danvers, so once he last final is over (or maybe she'll even skip), she's headed back to her penthouse in New York City. If your chara is friends with her, they could possibly get an invite to visit her there which obviously offers the opportunity to thread with her. AIMs are another option, of course. Since Charlie and Ava are probably staying in Danvers, there's also the possibility that she could come back during the summer, but right now, she just wants out.
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Mistaken identity [29 May 2010|01:49pm]
So! Because I'm a ditz, I made some mistakes in some aim convos/posts I did recently. Somehow, I got Jason and Matt confused, so Sydni invited Jason on an expidition, which is fine, she'd still like him to come if he wanted to, but she meant to invite Matt.  I'm at work or I'd IM all the muns involved.  Can people let me know what we want to do?  This also means I screwed up her convo with Nate, because it should have been Matt she told him she wanted to invite.  Blah.
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Two things!!! [29 May 2010|06:08pm]
First - Like Monica I'm on a long weekend sort of since I'm not going back to uni until Tuesday night and will be home until then.

Second - Where my kids will be over the summer!

Ava - I have no idea. I think it's going to be a case of a lot of back and forth between the school and New York to satisfy wanting to spend time with both of her favourite people.

Belle - Was meant to be going away for some of the summer with Nox but again I'm not entirely sure since the baby plot came into play so we'll see.

Cassie - Aha! I don't know how long the summer break is exactly but she's staying in Danvers for the first couple of weeks, then back to England, then back to school a week or two before the new school year starts, possibly with a stopover to visit people if anyone wants her to visit them anywhere?

Kindle - She is staying in Danvers for most of the break except for one week in Chicago visiting her ex fiance.

Lu - Going back to Maui for pretty much the entire break

Pearl - Going to Japan with Jacob and Addie? Probably spending the rest of it back home.

Robbie - Back to New York and his family unless someone wants him to go anywhere for any of it?
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