Time Warp :: An AU Harry Potter RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Time Warp :: An AU Harry Potter RPG

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[19 Mar 2010|12:23am]
Who: Young!Cho & Cedric
What: Cho & Cedric are both confused
When: Thursday Evening
Where: Cho's Apartment
Rating: TBD
Status: Closed/Incomplete

Part of the task? )
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[19 Mar 2010|12:52pm]
Who: Albus and Ariana
What: Meeting her much older brother for the first time.
When: Day, 18th March.
Where: Terra, Room 102.
Rating: Fairly low.
Status: Incomplete.

My friends say I should act my age. What's my age again? )
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[19 Mar 2010|10:18pm]
Dear Residents,

Starting on Monday, there will be 20 two meter by two meter areas available on the roof for gardening. They will be be available on a first come, first serve basis. Please contact the management to reserve one. No illegal plants are allowed.

The Management
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[19 Mar 2010|10:33pm]
Who: Alecto Carrow, Rabastan Lestrange and ickle Megaera
What: Alecto wakes up to find Rabastan is back, but he doesn't remember
When: Saturday morning
Where: Their flat
Rating: Likely high
Status: Closed/Incomplete

You're gone, but you've come again, yet I am the one who feels lost. )
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[ viewing | March 19th, 2010 ]
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