Time Warp :: An AU Harry Potter RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Time Warp :: An AU Harry Potter RPG

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[20 Mar 2010|03:19pm]
Who: Vic and Lily II
When: Saturday, 3:45PM
Where: Out and about
What: Shopping and hanging out
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete
This would look good on you. )
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[20 Mar 2010|06:24pm]
Who: Amelia and James
Where: The coffee shop where she works
When: Mid-Afternoon
What: Random Encounter
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

I didn't know you were here! )
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[20 Mar 2010|06:46pm]
Who: Roggy and Open
Where: Music Store
When: Mid-Afternoon
What: He's looking at CD's
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

The Sound of Drums )
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[20 Mar 2010|06:58pm]
Who: Hermione and Open
Where: The Hospital
What: Hermione would like visitors PLEASE

Baby baby, what's up baby )
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[ viewing | March 20th, 2010 ]
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