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Thief's Downfall RPG

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RP: Joy Ride [31 May 2009|12:52pm]
[ music | Joy Ride: The Killers ]

Who: Garan Summerby and Nate Vaisey
When: May 30th, 2003, in the Evening
Where: Beginning at the Summerby-Vaisey Home and ending in a surprise
What: It's date night. Garan's decided to do something a little less traditional than normal.
Rating: TBD

When your chips are down, when your highs are low, joy ride... )

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RP: The Baby Books [31 May 2009|01:21pm]
[ music | Blacking Out the Friction: Death Cab for Cutie ]

Who: Anthony Goldstein and Padma Patil
When: May 31st, 2003, in the Early Afternoon
Where: Anthony and Kevin's flat
What: Padma and Anthony are trying to organize the baby books.
Rating: TBD

I think that it's brainless to assume that making changes to your window's view will give a new perspective. )

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[ viewing | May 31st, 2009 ]
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