May. 25th, 2011


Losing your mind isn't all bad

Who: Everil and OPEN
What: Mindless wandering in the city as she tries to cope (and is failing)
Where: Sapphire City streets
When: Evening, about one week now with her talents tainted
Rating: PG

My mind goes up for miles and miles and miles and miles )

Mar. 23rd, 2011


Now Time for Tainted Talents

Who: Everil and Sibyla
What: Everil is officially contagious
Where: King and Queen's Inn
When: Morning
Rating: PG

Everil forced herself out of bed as her body almost collapsed. )

Mar. 10th, 2011


The End of a Long Day

Who: Aoife and Everil.
What: Another surprise meeting.
Where: Outside Bronwyn's Chandlery.
When: Evening.
Rating: PG, but possibly higher for language.

It had been an incredibly long day for Aoife. She'd gotten one of their biggest orders wrong and had not only spent the entire day fixing it, but also apologizing profusely to Bronwyn because apparently once wasn't enough. She'd gotten everything righted, but it had required her to work through her midday break.

So now Aoife was exhausted and hungry as she left the shop for the night. She paused for moment just outside the door, brushing her hair out of her face as she enjoyed the cool evening air. She could go to the tavern for a proper dinner. But she was just so tired, she was considering just heading around back to the room Bronwyn let her stay in and make do with the bread, cheese, and apples she'd saved for lunch.

Mar. 1st, 2011


Let's just pretend I didn't land on that activity check... >.>

Who: Emrys and ?? Everil!!
What: Emrys is hanging around looking for something to do.
Where: The King and Queens' Inn
When: Just after lunch
Rating: PG

Emrys had slept late. He awoke to find Madoc gone, probably out running errands, and decided to lay around in bed a little longer. )

Feb. 12th, 2011


Who: Everil and Aoife
What: On the beginning of a quest for employment and contacts
Where: Looking for the White Horse Tavern
When: Midmorning
Rating: PG
Everil sighed as she adjusted the light cloak on her shoulders. )


flitchhawk post

[Post by flitchhawk to numerous contacts from Everil]
Am settled at the King and Queen’s Inn in Sapphire City. As always, if you have needs, send word.

Jan. 16th, 2011


Business As Usual

Who: Aoife and a customer?
What: Someone needs some candles!
Where: Bronwyn's Chandlery, Sapphire Domain
When: Early afternoon.
Rating: G, maybe PG.

She finally had some time today to start working on a few candles for a special order. )