January 20th, 2010

[info]blue_siofra in [info]thetardistimes

The Tardis Times: 14-20 January 2010

Welcome to the latest edition of The T.A.R.D.I.S. Times. If you have an item you would like to see linked here, post a comment or email us at thetardistimes (at) gmail (dot) com!

Asylums & Such
[info]t_31_bang is no longer taking prompts for Doctor Who or Torchwood.
[info]t_31_bang has round 18 prompts.
[info]tv_100 has prompt 124: eyes.

[info]cardiffhub is looking for Martha and Ten.

Discussion and Miscellany
Random picture of Christopher Eccleston from the Daily Mail.

Fanfiction: Doctor Who
Completed & One Shots
Power That Aches by [info]dani_meows (Ten/Rose; PG)
Don't Forget by [info]dani_meows (Doctor/Rose; PG)
A Moment of Piece by [info]dani_meows (Doctor/Rose; PG)
In His Past by [info]dani_meows (Ten, Rose; G)
Poison Truths by [info]dani_meows (Ten, Master; PG)
Untitled by [info]magic_at_mungos (Doctor, Donna; NR)

Fanfiction: Torchwood
Completed & One Shots
Pet Freak by [info]peja (Jack/Charlies; FRT)

Reach us via the comments or thetardistimes@gmail.com.