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Cardiff Hub RPG

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[08 May 2012|11:03am]

Who: Jack Harkness and Owen Harper, Ianto Jones, anyone else who wants to tag in at Baghdad: Toshiko Sato, Rex Matheson
What: The TW team are in Baghdad and Owen convinces Jack they both really need a drink.
When: Backdated to April 13, 2010.
Where: Baghdad, Iraq.
Rating: PG-13.
Status: Incomplete.

God, I need a drink... )
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[28 Mar 2012|04:53pm]

Who: Evan and Jack
What: Evan gets some weapons training.
Where: The gun range at the Hub.
When: Backdated, March 26, 2011
Rating: Probably PG-13 or R for language and mentions of violence.
Status: Incomplete

Isn't there a way I could... I don't know... learn hand-to-hand combat and carry some crazy powerful alien mace?
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[04 Feb 2012|09:23pm]

[ mood | restless ]

Who: Owen Harper
What: Finding out his mother had a stroke.
Where: The Hub: Cardiff.
When: 3 February 2010. (Wasn't sure, can edit/change the date)
Rating: PG.
Status: Complete, closed: Third Person Narrative.

It was just another day for a Miracle, or was it? )

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You won't like Martha when she's angry... [09 Jan 2012|01:10pm]

Who: Martha and the Panel Doctors
What: Medical Panel Meeting
When: December 28th
Where: Royal Hope Hospital Offices.
Why: Because doctors can't agree
Status: Open

So let's start from the beginning, because this isn't working. What do we do next? )
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TADA! HERE! [17 Nov 2011|03:48pm]

Who: Martha and Open
What: Martha goes out for a drink
When: Today
Where: A pub not far from the hub (also not far from Martha's place, thus why she's there)
Why: Because interaction is needed.

I open at the start! )
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[01 Nov 2011|08:52am]

Who: Tommy
What: Narrative of Tommy undercover
Where: UNIT
When: Backdated: Thursday October 27 2009
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Man on a mission... )
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[25 Oct 2011|12:04am]

Who: Tish Jones and Jack Harkness
What: Tish calls Jack to ask a question
When: October 24, 2009
Where: Tish's office, London; Torchwood Hub, Wales
Status: Complete

Have you seen Martha? )
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[24 Oct 2011|09:51pm]

Who: Martha and Tosh, NPCed UNIT Splinter Cell members
What: Into the frier
When: October 23, 2011
Where: Unknown location
Status: Open.
Warnings: Bad thoughts and thoughts of violence

Think the general will reward you for hurting the ticket that could make this project work? )
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[19 Oct 2011|12:27pm]

Who: Martha and the UNIT Splinter Cell
What: Martha goes missing
When: October 20th - forward dated because Abby is impatient.
Where: Paddington Station and then… well she’s not sure
Why: Evil schemes afoot
Status: Complete

Welcome home, Greyhound 6. )
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[15 Oct 2011|02:04am]

Who: Jack and Tosh
What: Chatting about work and such.
Where: The Hub.
When: Friday, October 14, 2009
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

And one of the things he loved was that he could talk technobabble with Tosh, without having to tone any of it down. )
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[11 Oct 2011|04:18pm]

Who: Martha and Owen
What: Discussion and time at the hub
When: October 11
Where: Torchwood Hub.
Why: Because up to this point Abby has failed and is now kicking her ass into gear!
Status: Closed, incomplete

A child's immune system is a blank slate, its learning. So she's going to get sick. It's inevitable. )
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[04 Oct 2011|12:57pm]

Who: Martha and Gwen
What: Girls's Night
When: October 4, Evening
Where: TBD
Status: Closed

the missing items were a sign, and if she had to go out... well going alone was out of the question. )
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[09 Sep 2011|10:07am]

Who: Owen, Andy, all MALE Characters
What: Owen throws Andy a Stag Do
Where: Bar
When: August 26th, 2009
Rating: PG 13
Status: In Progress

Owen did not take them to a strip club. That doesn't mean he didn't hire a stripper... )
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[08 Sep 2011|09:35am]

Who: Tosh and Tommy
What: The couple talk about where they're going in their relationship and Tosh's past.
Where: Alice's reception
When: August 27th, 2009
Rating: PG 13 for some snogging
Status: Complete.
Tommy Smiled. He was glad Toshiko had invited him to this event... )
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[30 Jul 2011|03:22pm]

Who: Jack, Alice, Andy, Tosh and Steven.
What: Turning Alice back into an adult.
Where: The hub, and then Alice and Andy's house.
When: Thursday, July 28th, 2009.
Rating: PG.
Status: Complete.

'The more time I spent with ten year old you, the more I wished I could go back in time to strangle your mother,' Jack admitted. 'If I'd heard any of this while you were a kid, I never would've let her get away with what happened.' )
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[26 Jul 2011|05:13pm]

Who: 10 year old Alice and Jack
What: Swimming lessons at Alton Towers and going on the waterslides, plus talking about Lucia.
Where: Alton Towers theme park.
When: 7 July 2009?
Rating: G
Status: Complete

'I wish I could live with you forever! I don't wanna go with Mum. Can't I stay with you? Please??' )
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[22 Jul 2011|08:31am]

Who: Owen Harper and Toshiko Jones
What: Attempting to repair the alien device Steven broke
Where: The Hub
When: July 20th, 2009 / Before Tosh emails Jack
Rating: PG

They'll put anything online if they think they can get a price out of it. I saw once where someone was trying to auction off themselves. Damn nutters. )
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[06 Jul 2011|07:58am]

[ mood | awake ]

Who: Owen and Gwen
What: Checking out the pregger
When: Pre plot? I'm not sure.
Where: Owen's medical lab
Rating: PG13, he has a potty mouth

Like little salt and pepper shakers. One boy. One girl. You have the dog already. Just go for the perfect family… )

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[16 Jun 2011|09:17pm]

WHO: Jack and Tommy
WHAT: New Employee debriefing
WHEN: Backdated like woah = before plot
WHERE: The Hub, Jack's Office

Tommy was nervous )
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Narrative: Owen and Jake. [07 Jun 2011|11:40pm]

WHO: Jack, Jake, Gwen, and Owen. (Yes, someone without a J/G sounding name. Ha)!\
WHAT: Owen babysits.
WHEN: June 7, 2009 / Before Journey's End Plot
WHERE: Cardiff
The secret of dealing successfully with a child is not to be its parent... Mel Lazarus )
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