Mar. 15th, 2010


Characters: Rodolphus & Rabastan Lestrange (Bellatrix can join if desired)
Setting: Lestrange home, March 16th afternoon
Summary: Rodolphus wants to muse about potential targets.

Did you find anything of note? )


Characters: Dorcas Meadowes & Ted Tonks
Setting: Ministry for Magic, Cafeteria. March 15th, lunch time.
Summary: Dorcas approaches Ted in the cafeteria...

It was almost sad that he was choosing to let his skills languish. )


Gingers everywhere....

Characters: Rabastan Lestrange & Molly Weasley
Setting: March 15, 1980. St. Ottery Catchpole. Morning
Scenario: PROMPT Rabastan is on patrol for "work" when young Percy Weasley interrupts him with nosy sorts of question. Just as the child begins to get slightly annoying Molly Weasley interrupts by shooing the child away. Rabastan is slightly irritated by the interruption and provokes Molly into a mild argument.

Mum told us to go outside and sit down. You're in our seat. )

Mar. 4th, 2010


Characters: Docas & Fenrir
Setting: Diagon Alley, 4 March 1980, 5pm
Summary: Prompt!

Dorcas simply couldn't find it in herself to deny him his request for ice cream. )

Mar. 2nd, 2010


Characters: Rodolphus & Bellatrix
Setting: Their home, March 2nd 1980
Rating: TBA
Summary: Rodolphus muses out loud on the day's news with his wife.

The mother - she'd been his favorite. )